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An Odyssey to Viral Pathogenesis.
Annual Review of Pathology: Mechanisms of Disease ( IF 36.2 ) Pub Date : 2015-10-31 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-pathol-012615-044107
Michael B A Oldstone 1

This odyssey is mine from early junior high school, where my dreams for adventure were shaped by Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes, Percival Christopher Wren's Beau Geste, and best of all the remarkable explorers in Paul de Kruif's Microbe Hunters. My birth site was in Manhattan (my mother was a Vogue model and my father worked in retail), and I traveled to college at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, where my love of history and English literature was shaped along with a sufficient exposure to biology, chemistry, and genetics to meet requirements for entering medical school. By the second year at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, through expert teachers such as Theodore (Ted) Woodward and Sheldon (Shelly) Greisman in medicine and Charles Weissmann in virology and microbiology, I found that understanding why and how people became ill was more my cup of tea than identifying and treating their illnesses. Although I was becoming competent in diagnosis and treatment, I left medical school at the end of my sophomore year to seek a more basic understanding of biology and chemistry. I achieved this by working toward a PhD in biochemistry at Johns Hopkins McCollum-Pratt Institute combined with study of rickettsial toxin at Maryland. This was a very important time in my life, because it convinced me that addressing biologic and medical questions in a disciplined scientific manner was what my life voyage should be. That voyage led me initially, through Woodward's contact, to work a summer in Joe Smadel's unit at Walter Reed (Smadel being one of the deans of American virology) and to meet several times with Carleton Gajdusek and then John Enders at Harvard, who pointed me to Frank Dixon at Scripps in La Jolla, California, for postdoctoral training. Dixon was among the founders of modern immunology and a pathfinder for immunopathology. Training by and association with Dixon and his other postdoctoral fellows, my independent position at Scripps, early polishing by Karl Habel (a superb senior virologist who left the National Institutes of Health and came to Scripps), and the gifted postdoctoral fellows who joined my laboratory over four decades form the log of my scientific voyage. The strong friendships and collaborations developed with other young but growing experimentalists like Bernie Fields and Abner Notkins are the fabric of the tale I will weave and were pivotal in the establishment of viral pathogenesis as a discipline.



这次冒险之旅是我初中时的冒险之旅,我的冒险梦想是由亚瑟·柯南·道尔的《福尔摩斯》,珀西瓦尔·克里斯托弗·雷恩的《博格斯特》以及保罗·德·克鲁夫的《微生物猎人》中所有出色的探险家所塑造的。我的出生地在曼哈顿(我的母亲是Vogue的模特,父亲在零售业工作),我去了塔斯卡卢萨的阿拉巴马大学上大学,在那里我对历史和英语文学的热爱与充分的接触形成了生物学,化学和遗传学以满足进入医学院的要求。在马里兰大学医学院的第二年,通过西奥多(Ted)Woodward和谢尔顿(Shelly)Greisman的医学专家和Charles Weissmann的病毒学和微生物学的专家老师,我发现,了解人们为什么以及如何生病,比起识别和治疗疾病,更多的是我喝杯茶。尽管我已经具备了诊断和治疗的能力,但是我在大二的时候离开了医学院,寻求对生物学和化学的更基本的了解。我是通过在约翰·霍普金斯·麦考伦-普拉特研究所(Johns Hopkins McCollum-Pratt Institute)获得生物化学博士学位并与马里兰州的立克次氏体毒素研究相结合而实现的。那是我一生中非常重要的时刻,因为它使我相信,以一种有纪律的科学方式解决生物学和医学问题,才是我的人生旅程。这次航行使我最初在伍德沃德的接触下,在乔·斯玛德尔(Joe Smadel)在沃尔特·里德(沃尔玛·里德(Smadel是美国病毒学领域的院长之一))的部门工作,与Carleton Gajdusek和哈佛大学的John Enders会面了几次,后者向我指出了加利福尼亚拉霍亚斯克里普斯的Frank Dixon进行博士后培训。Dixon是现代免疫学的奠基人之一,也是免疫病理学的开创者。由Dixon和他的其他博士后研究员进行培训并与之相关联,我在Scripps的独立职位,Karl Habel(离开国立卫生研究院并来到Scripps的一位出色的高级病毒学家)及他的才华横溢的博士后早期加入了我的实验室四十年来构成了我科学航行的日志。