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Production of phenolics by immobilized cells of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea: the role of epiphytic bacteria.
International Microbiology ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2002 , DOI: 10.1007/s101230100019
M Blanch 1 , Y Blanco , B Fontaniella , M E Legaz , C Vicente

Immobilized lichen cells from the thalli of the lichen Pseudevernia furfuracea, supplied with acetate as the only source of carbon, continuously produced phenolic substances, atranorin and physodic acid, over 23 days. Epiphytic bacteria associated with the lichen thallus grew actively, probably using both acetate and reduced compounds supplied by lichen cells, since their active growth was avoided by including 10 µM 3,3′-dichlorophenyl-1,1′dimethylurea in the bath solution. Penicillin largely impeded the growth of epiphytic bacteria and decreased phenolic production, which was recovered only at the end of the experimental period, just when the bacteria started a slow, but active growth. We suggest the cooperation of epiphytic bacteria in the biosynthesis of both atranotrin and physodic acid.



来自醋酸地衣假单胞菌(Pseudevernia furfuracea)海藻的固定化地衣细胞在23天内连续供应酚类物质,阿特拉诺林和植酸,其中醋酸盐是唯一的碳源。与地衣藻相关的附生细菌可能活跃地生长,可能同时使用醋酸盐和由地衣细胞提供的还原化合物,因为在浴液中加入10 µM 3,3'-二氯苯基-1,1'二甲基脲可避免它们的活跃生长。青霉素在很大程度上阻碍了附生细菌的生长,并降低了酚类物质的产生,酚类物质的产生只有在实验期结束时才恢复,正好是细菌开始缓慢但活跃的生长时。我们建议附生细菌的合作在atranotrin和植酸两者的生物合成中。