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Dihydroxyacetone Levels in Electronic Cigarettes: Wick Temperature and Toxin Formation
Aerosol Science and Technology ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2018-01-23 , DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2018.1424316
Shawna Vreeke 1 , Tetiana Korzun 1 , Wentai Luo 2 , R Paul Jensen 1 , David H Peyton 1 , Robert M Strongin 1

ABSTRACT Recently, we reported the presence of dihydroxyacetone (DHA), the active ingredient in sunless tanners, in the aerosol of an electronic cigarette. DHA has been shown to react with DNA in vitro. The FDA restricts the use of DHA to external application only. It states that it should not be inhaled, ingested, or come into contact with any areas containing mucous membranes, due to unknown risk. Herein, the quantification of DHA in the aerosols of three brands of e-cigarettes has been carried out. These included two devices with horizontal heating coil configurations as well as one with a sub-ohm resistance vertical heating coil. In order to understand and begin to address the origin of DHA and related aerosol products, the wicking properties of the three e-cigarettes were compared. DHA levels were analyzed by a combination of GS/MS and 1H NMR. DHA was found in all three e-cigarettes, with substantially less in the sub-ohm, vertical coil device as compared to the horizontal coil devices (e.g., 0.088 µg/puff vs. 2.29 µg/puff, respectively). Correspondingly, the temperature of the wet layer of the wick for the vertical coil was relatively stable, compared to the wicks for the horizontal coils, upon increasing battery power output. This result is in agreement with prior studies of e-cigarette wicking efficiency and aerosol toxin formation. The temperature measurements reported are a simple means for comparing devices with different design properties during operation. Copyright © 2018 American Association for Aerosol Research



摘要 最近,我们报道了电子烟气雾剂中存在二羟基丙酮 (DHA)(免晒晒黑剂中的活性成分)。DHA 已被证明可以在体外与 DNA 发生反应。FDA 限制 DHA 的使用仅限于外用。它指出,由于未知的风险,不应吸入、摄入或接触任何含有粘膜的区域。本文对三个品牌电子烟气溶胶中的 DHA 进行了定量。其中包括两种具有水平加热线圈配置的设备以及一种具有亚欧姆电阻垂直加热线圈的设备。为了了解并开始解决 DHA 和相关气雾剂产品的来源,对三种电子烟的芯吸特性进行了比较。通过 GS/MS 和 1H NMR 的组合分析 DHA 水平。所有三种电子烟中都发现了 DHA,其中亚欧姆垂直线圈装置中的 DHA 含量明显低于水平线圈装置(例如,分别为 0.088 µg/ 烟和 2.29 µg/ 烟)。相应地,当电池功率输出增加时,与水平线圈的吸芯相比,垂直线圈的吸芯湿层的温度相对稳定。这一结果与之前关于电子烟芯吸效率和气溶胶毒素形成的研究一致。报告的温度测量结果是比较运行期间具有不同设计属性的设备的简单方法。版权所有 © 2018 美国气溶胶研究协会