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Prescription database analyses indicates that the asthma medicine montelukast might protect against dementia: a hypothesis to be verified.
Immunity & Ageing ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2017-08-31 , DOI: 10.1186/s12979-017-0102-7
Bjørn Grinde 1 , Bo Engdahl 1

BACKGROUND It has recently been shown that the leukotriene receptor antagonist montelukast rejuvenates aged brains in rats. The question is whether this commonly used, systemic, anti-asthmatic medicine has a similar effect in humans? RESULTS We approached this issue by doing statistical analyses based on the Norwegian Prescription Database. The Database lists all prescription-based medications in Norway, but not drugs given to people who are in hospitals or nursing homes. The question asked was whether users of montelukast, compared to users of inhalation asthma medicine, live longer, and are less likely to develop dementia. A small, non-significant protective effect on the use of dementia medicine became significant when adjusting for other prescriptions (based on the notion that montelukast users on average are less healthy). A possible protective effect was substantiated by looking at the lack of prescriptions as a proxy for dementia-related residency in nursing homes, and the risk of death. CONCLUSIONS The present results suggest that montelukast may alleviate the cognitive decline associated with human aging. However, further data, preferably based on controlled clinical trials, are required.



背景技术最近显示白三烯受体拮抗剂孟鲁司特可以使大鼠衰老的大脑恢复活力。问题是这种常用的全身性平喘药物对人体是否也有类似的作用?结果我们通过基于挪威处方数据库进行统计分析来解决这个问题。该数据库列出了挪威的所有处方药,但不包括为医院或疗养院患者提供的药物。提出的问题是,与吸入性哮喘药物的使用者相比,孟鲁司特的使用者是否寿命更长,并且患痴呆症的可能性更小。当调整其他处方时(基于孟鲁司特使用者平均健康状况较差的观点),对痴呆症药物的使用产生的微小的、不显着的保护作用变得显着。通过观察缺乏处方作为痴呆症相关的疗养院居住和死亡风险的替代指标,证实了可能的保护作用。结论 目前的结果表明孟鲁司特可以缓解与人类衰老相关的认知能力下降。然而,还需要进一步的数据,最好是基于对照临床试验的数据。