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Extending Ethnoprimatology: Human–Alloprimate Relationships in Managed Settings
International Journal of Primatology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2017-12-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10764-017-0006-6
Alexandra Palmer 1 , Nicholas Malone 2

The majority of studies in ethnoprimatology focus on areas of sympatry where humans and nonhuman primates (hereafter, primates) naturally coexist. We argue that much can be gained by extending the field’s scope to incorporate settings where humans manage most aspects of primates’ lives, such as zoos, laboratories, sanctuaries, and rehabilitation centers (hereafter, managed settings). We suggest that the mixed-methods approach of ethnoprimatology, which facilitates examination of both humans’ and primates’ responses to one another, can reveal not only how humans’ ideas about primates shape management strategies, but also how those management strategies affect primates’ lives. Furthermore, we note that a greater focus on managed settings will strengthen links between ethnoprimatology and primate rights/welfare approaches, and will introduce new questions into discussions of ethics in primatology. For example, managed settings raise questions about when it might be justifiable to restrict primates’ freedom for a “greater good,” and the desirability of making primates’ lives more “natural” even if this would decrease their well-being. Finally, we propose that because ethnoprimatology is premised on challenging false dichotomies between categories of field site—specifically, between “natural” and “unnatural” free-ranging populations—it makes sense for ethnoprimatologists to examine settings in which humans exert considerable control over primates’ lives, given that the distinction between “wild” and “captive” is similarly unclear.



民族灵长类动物学的大多数研究都集中在人类和非人类灵长类动物(以下简称灵长类动物)自然共存的同情领域。我们认为,通过扩大该领域的范围,将人类管理灵长类动物生活的大部分方面的环境纳入其中,如动物园、实验室、保护区和康复中心(以下简称管理环境),可以获得很多好处。我们建议,民族灵长类动物学的混合方法有助于检查人类和灵长类动物对彼此的反应,不仅可以揭示人类关于灵长类动物的想法如何影响管理策略,还可以揭示这些管理策略如何影响灵长类动物的生活. 此外,我们注意到更加关注管理环境将加强民族灵长类动物学和灵长类动物权利/福利方法之间的联系,并将在灵长类动物学的伦理讨论中引入新的问题。例如,管理环境提出了以下问题:为了“更大的利益”而限制灵长类动物的自由何时可能是合理的,以及使灵长类动物的生活更“自然”的可取性,即使这会降低它们的福祉。最后,我们提出,由于民族灵长类动物学的前提是挑战野外场地类别之间的错误二分法——特别是“自然”和“非自然”自由放养种群之间的二分法——民族灵长类动物学家检查人类对灵长类动物施加相当大控制的环境是有意义的'生活,因为“野生”和“圈养”之间的区别同样不清楚。管理环境提出了一个问题,即为了“更大的利益”而限制灵长类动物的自由何时可能是合理的,以及使灵长类动物的生活更“自然”的可取性,即使这会降低它们的福祉。最后,我们提出,由于民族灵长类动物学的前提是挑战野外场地类别之间的错误二分法——特别是“自然”和“非自然”自由放养种群之间的二分法——民族灵长类动物学家检查人类对灵长类动物施加相当大控制的环境是有意义的'生活,因为“野生”和“圈养”之间的区别同样不清楚。管理环境提出了一个问题,即为了“更大的利益”而限制灵长类动物的自由何时可能是合理的,以及使灵长类动物的生活更“自然”的可取性,即使这会降低它们的福祉。最后,我们提出,由于民族灵长类动物学的前提是挑战野外场地类别之间的错误二分法——特别是“自然”和“非自然”自由放养种群之间的二分法——民族灵长类动物学家检查人类对灵长类动物施加相当大控制的环境是有意义的'生活,因为“野生”和“圈养”之间的区别同样不清楚。