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A problem in household composition
Mathematical Population Studies ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 1996-04-01 , DOI: 10.1080/08898489609525418
Abraham Akkerman

"Distinction made between household-persons and household-markers [the person who identifies the family or household as a unit] is formalized in the notion of nested populations. This leads to an extension of the Leslie model into a formulation of growth for both population and households. The extended model involves the matrix presentation of household composition where ratios of household-persons who are age 0, per household-marker, function as surrogate values for fertility rates. The extended model describes change over time in the distribution of population by age, and in the distribution of households by age of household-marker, or household-head. The model involves the inversion of a nonnegative matrix, and is feasible only if it yields, projected over time, nonnegative entries in vectors representing distribution of population by age, and distribution of household-heads by age. Conditions for the feasibility of the extended model are discussed, and a sufficient condition for feasibility over a single interval is identified." (SUMMARY IN FRE)



户主的年龄分布。讨论了扩展模型可行性的条件,并确定了单个区间内的可行性的充分条件。”(SUMMARY IN FRE)