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Plant-mediated interactions between whiteflies, herbivores, and natural enemies.
Annual Review of Entomology ( IF 23.8 ) Pub Date : 2007-09-20 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev.ento.53.032107.122456
Moshe Inbar 1 , Dan Gerling

Whiteflies (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) comprise tiny phloem-sucking insects. The sessile development of their immatures and their phloem-feeding habits (with minimal physical plant damage) often lead to plant-mediated interactions with other organisms. The main data come from the polyphagous pest species Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood), which are intricately associated with their host plants. Although these associations might not represent aleyrodids in general, we rely on them to highlight the fundamental role of host plants in numerous ecological interactions between whiteflies, other herbivores, and their natural enemies. Plant traits often affect the activity, preference, and performance of the whiteflies, as well as their entomopathogens, predators, and parasitoids. Leaf structure (primarily pubescence) and constitutive and induced chemical profiles (defensive and nutritional elements) are critically important determinants of whitefly fitness. Pest management-related and evolutionary biology studies could benefit from future research that will consider whiteflies in a multitrophic-level framework.



粉虱(H翅目:Aleyrodidae)由微小的韧皮部昆虫组成。它们的未成熟的无柄发育和韧皮部的摄食习性(对植物的物理损害最小)通常导致植物介导的与其他生物的相互作用。主要数据来自与它们的寄主植物错综复杂的多食性有害生物烟粉虱(Bemisia tabaci,Gennadius)和Trialeurodes vaporariorum,Westwood。尽管这些关联一般可能并不代表无形花序,但我们依靠它们来突出寄主植物在粉虱,其他草食动物及其天敌之间的众多生态相互作用中的基本作用。植物性状通常会影响粉虱及其昆虫病原体,食肉动物和寄生虫的活动,偏好和性能。叶片结构(主要是短柔毛)和组成性和诱导性化学特征(防御性和营养性元素)是粉虱适应性的至关重要的决定性因素。与虫害管理相关的进化生物学研究可能会受益于将来的研究,该研究将在多营养水平的框架内考虑粉虱。