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Evidence for recent gene flow between north-eastern and south-eastern Madagascan poison frogs from a phylogeography of the Mantella cowani group.
Frontiers in Zoology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2007-01-09 , DOI: 10.1186/1742-9994-4-1
Falitiana C E Rabemananjara 1 , Ylenia Chiari , Olga Ravoahangimalala Ramilijaona , Miguel Vences

BACKGROUND The genus Mantella, endemic poison frogs of Madagascar with 16 described species, are known in the field of international pet trade and entered under the CITES control for the last four years. The phylogeny and phylogeography of this genus have been recently subject of study for conservation purposes. Here we report on the studies of the phylogeography of the Mantella cowani group using a fragment of 453 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene from 195 individuals from 21 localities. This group is represented by five forms: M. cowani, a critically endangered species, a vulnerable species, M. haraldmeieri, and the non-threatened M. baroni, M. aff. baroni, and M. nigricans. RESULTS The Bayesian phylogenetic and haplotype network analyses revealed the presence of three separated haplotype clades: (1) M. baroni, M. aff. baroni, M. nigricans, and putative hybrids of M. cowani and M. baroni, (2) M. cowani and putative hybrids of M. cowani and M. baroni, and (3) M. haraldmeieri. The putative hybrids were collected from sites where M. cowani and M. baroni live in sympatry. CONCLUSION These results suggest (a) a probable hybridization between M. cowani and M. baroni, (b) a lack of genetic differentiation between M. baroni/M. aff. baroni and M. nigricans, (c) evidence of recent gene-flow between the northern (M. nigricans), eastern (M. baroni), and south-eastern (M. aff. baroni) forms of distinct coloration, and (d) the existence of at least three units for conservation in the Mantella cowani group.


来自曼塔拉·科瓦尼(Mantella cowani)系谱的东北和东南马达加斯加毒蛙之间最近的基因流动的证据。

背景技术曼荼罗属,马达加斯加的地方性毒蛙,具有16个描述的物种,在国际宠物贸易领域中是众所周知的,并且在过去的四年中受CITES的控制。为了保护目的,近来对该属的系统发育和种系学进行了研究。在这里,我们报道了来自21个地方的195个个体的线粒体细胞色素b基因的453 bp片段,对曼塔拉牛ani群的系统地理学进行了研究。该组以五种形式代表:牛蛙分枝杆菌(M. Cowani),极度濒危物种,脆弱物种,哈氏分枝杆菌(M. haraldmeieri)和未威胁的巴罗尼分枝杆菌(M. aff。)。baroni和M. nigricans。结果贝叶斯系统发育和单倍型网络分析揭示了三个分离的单倍型进化枝的存在:(1)M. baroni,M. aff.。巴罗尼 黑尼古拉斯人和M. Cowani和M. baroni的推定杂种,(2)M. Cowani和M. Cowani和M. baroni的推定杂种,以及(3)M. haraldmeieri。推定的杂种是从牛蛙分枝杆菌和巴罗尼分枝杆菌生活在交配处的地点收集的。结论这些结果表明(a)Cowani支原体和Baroni支原体之间可能存在杂交,(b)Baroni支原体/ M之间缺乏遗传分化。aff。Baroni和M. nigricans,(c)最近的基因流动在北部(M. nigricans),东部(M. baroni)和东南(M. aff。baroni)形式之间的显着着色的证据,以及(d )曼塔拉考瓦尼小组中至少有三个保护单位。推定的杂种是从牛蛙分枝杆菌和巴罗尼分枝杆菌生活在交配处的地点收集的。结论这些结果表明(a)Cowani支原体和Baroni支原体之间可能存在杂交,(b)Baroni支原体/ M之间缺乏遗传分化。aff。baroni和M. nigricans,(c)最近的基因流动在北部(M. nigricans),东部(M. baroni)和东南(M. aff。baroni)形式之间具有明显着色的证据,以及(d )曼塔拉考瓦尼小组中至少有三个保护单位。推定的杂种是从牛蛙分枝杆菌和巴罗尼分枝杆菌生活在交配处的地点收集的。结论这些结果表明(a)Cowani支原体和Baroni支原体之间可能存在杂交,(b)Baroni支原体/ M之间缺乏遗传分化。aff。baroni和M. nigricans,(c)最近的基因流动在北部(M. nigricans),东部(M. baroni)和东南(M. aff。baroni)形式之间具有明显着色的证据,以及(d )曼塔拉考瓦尼小组中至少有三个保护单位。