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Genetic analysis of male reproductive success in relation to density in the zebrafish, Danio rerio.
Frontiers in Zoology ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2006-04-07 , DOI: 10.1186/1742-9994-3-5
Rowena Spence 1 , William C Jordan , Carl Smith

BACKGROUND We used behavioural and genetic data to investigate the effects of density on male reproductive success in the zebrafish, Danio rerio. Based on previous measurements of aggression and courtship behaviour by territorial males, we predicted that they would sire more offspring than non-territorial males. RESULTS Microsatellite analysis of paternity showed that at low densities territorial males had higher reproductive success than non-territorial males. However, at high density territorial males were no more successful than non-territorials and the sex difference in the opportunity for sexual selection, based on the parameter Imates, was low. CONCLUSION Male zebrafish exhibit two distinct mating tactics; territoriality and active pursuit of females. Male reproductive success is density dependent and the opportunity for sexual selection appears to be weak in this species.


斑马鱼Danio rerio中雄性繁殖成功与密度相关的遗传分析。

背景技术我们使用行为和遗传数据来研究密度对斑马鱼Danio rerio中雄性生殖成功的影响。根据先前对领地男性的侵略和求爱行为的测量,我们预测他们的后代比非领地男性拥有更多的后代。结果对亲子关系的微卫星分析表明,在低密度情况下,领地男性比非领地男性具有更高的生殖成功率。但是,在高密度地区,男性的成功率没有非地区男性高,并且基于参数Imates的性别选择机会中的性别差异很小。结论雄性斑马鱼表现出两种截然不同的交配策略。女性的地域性和积极追求。