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The return of the repressed: Abandoned parses facilitate syntactic reanalysis☆
Journal of Memory and Language ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2007-08-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jml.2006.09.001
Adrian Staub 1

Two eye movement experiments examined effects on syntactic reanalysis when the correct analysis was briefly entertained at an earlier point in the sentence. In Experiment 1, participants read sentences containing a noun phrase coordination/clausal coordination ambiguity, while in Experiment 2 they read sentences containing a subordinate clause object/main clause subject ambiguity. The critical conditions were designed to induce readers to construct the ultimately correct analysis just prior to being garden-pathed by the incorrect analysis. In both experiments, the earliest measures of the garden path effect were not modulated by this manipulation. However, there was significantly less regressive re-reading of the sentence in those conditions in which the correct analysis was likely to have been constructed, then abandoned, at an earlier point. These results suggest that a syntactic analysis that is abandoned in the course of processing a sentence is not lost altogether, and can be re-activated or retrieved from memory. Implications for models of initial syntactic analysis and reanalysis are discussed.



当正确的分析在句子的较早点被短暂地接受时,两个眼球运动实验检查了对句法重新分析的影响。在实验 1 中,参与者阅读包含名词短语协调/从句协调歧义的句子,而在实验 2 中,他们阅读包含从句宾语/主句主语歧义的句子。临界条件旨在引导读者在被错误分析走上花园之前构建最终正确的分析。在这两个实验中,花园小径效应的最早测量值并未受到这种操作的影响。然而,在那些可能已经构建正确分析然后在更早的时候放弃的情况下,对句子的回归重读要少得多。这些结果表明,在处理句子的过程中放弃的句法分析并没有完全丢失,并且可以重新激活或从记忆中检索。讨论了对初始句法分析和再分析模型的影响。