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Paracelsus's Conception of Seeds: Rethinking Paracelsus's Ideas of Body and Matter
Ambix ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2008-11-01 , DOI: 10.1179/174582308x255488
Amy Eisen Cislo 1

Abstract This article examines how Paracelsus understands seeds in his notion of corporeality in his early works. In his article, "Invisible Wombs: Rethinking Paracelsus's Concept of Body and Matter" (Ambix 53.2), Dane Thor Daniel classified the Archiodoxen of 1527 as Paracelsus's early work. My essay argues that Archiodoxen demonstrates a development in Paracelsus's thinking, and suggests how Buch von der Gebärung (ca. 1520) and Volumen Paramirum (ca. 1520) represent Paracelsus's human seed theory in its earliest stages. In these works, Paracelsus does not necessarily base his seed theory entirely on scripture, but rather focuses on the relationship between nature and the human seed.



摘要 本文考察了帕拉塞尔苏斯在其早期作品中如何理解他的肉体概念中的种子。在他的文章“隐形子宫:重新思考帕拉塞尔苏斯的身体和物质概念”(Ambix 53.2)中,戴恩·托尔丹尼尔将 1527 年的 Archiodoxen 归类为帕拉塞尔苏斯的早期作品。我的文章认为 Archiodoxen 展示了帕拉塞尔苏斯思想的发展,并提出了 Buch von der Gebärung(约 1520 年)和 Volumen Paramirum(约 1520 年)如何代表帕拉塞尔苏斯最早阶段的人类种子理论。在这些作品中,帕拉塞尔苏斯的种子理论不一定完全基于圣经,而是侧重于自然与人类种子之间的关系。