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Establishing the Canon: George Ripley and his Alchemical Sources
Ambix ( IF 0.5 ) Pub Date : 2008-11-01 , DOI: 10.1179/174582308x358114
Jennifer M Rampling 1

Abstract George Ripley, Canon of Bridlington (ca. 1415 to ca. 1490) was one of England's most famous alchemists, whose alchemical opera attracted study and commentary throughout the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, and were printed and translated both in England and abroad. Yet Ripley's frequently baffling texts have proved resistant to scholarly interpretation. This paper attempts to unravel some of Ripley's alchemical theories and practice, firstly by identifying his major sources, and secondly by gauging his response to these texts. For instance, although Ripley's interest in the corpus of alchemical texts pseudonymously attributed to Ramon Lull is well documented, it transpires that his best known work, the Compound of Alchemy, or Twelve Gates, is actually based not on a Lullian work, but on a Latin treatise that Ripley attributed to the little-known alchemist, Guido de Montanor. Further clues to Ripley's alchemical thought can be obtained by considering his handling of a potential conflict between his two authorities, Lull and Guido. The resulting insights into Ripley's alchemy provide an instrument for assessing which of Ripley's pseudoepigraphic works can be truly called "canonical".



摘要 布里德灵顿教典乔治·里普利(约 1415 年至约 1490 年)是英国最著名的炼金术士之一,其炼金术歌剧在整个 16 和 17 世纪吸引了研究和评论,并在英国和国外印刷和翻译。然而,事实证明,里普利经常令人费解的文本难以接受学术解释。本文试图解开里普利的一些炼金术理论和实践,首先通过确定他的主要来源,其次通过衡量他对这些文本的反应。例如,尽管里普利对以笔名归功于拉蒙·卢尔的炼金术文本语料库的兴趣是有据可查的,但事实证明,他最著名的作品,炼金术的化合物,或十二扇门,实际上并不是基于卢连的作品,但在一篇拉丁论文中,里普利认为是名不见经传的炼金术士吉多·德·蒙塔诺 (Guido de Montanor)。通过考虑他对他的两个权威 Lull 和 Guido 之间潜在冲突的处理,可以获得关于 Ripley 炼金术思想的进一步线索。由此产生的对里普利炼金术的洞察为评估里普利的哪些伪碑文作品可以真正称为“经典”提供了一种工具。