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Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Modification Background and Development
Psychologica Belgica ( IF 1.717 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-26 , DOI: 10.5334/pb.450
Paul Eelen

This manuscript is part of a special issue to commemorate professor Paul Eelen, who passed away on August 21, 2016. Paul was a clinically oriented scientist, for whom learning principles (Pavlovian or operant) were more than salivary responses and lever presses. His expertise in learning psychology and his enthusiasm to translate this knowledge to clinical practice inspired many inside and outside academia. Several of his original writings were in the Dutch language. Instead of editing a special issue with contributions of colleagues and friends, we decided to translate a selection of his manuscripts to English to allow wide access to his original insights and opinions. Even though the manuscripts were written more than two decades ago, their content is surprisingly contemporary. This manuscript is a transcription of a lecture that was published in 1980. It was Paul Eelen’s first public presentation after a two-year study in the United States, which has inspired much of his later thinking. The text can be viewed as a manifesto for behaviour therapy as it was then advancing in Belgium and the Netherlands. This presentation was given as the introduction to the L.A.P.P. seminar day held October 27, 1980, which was themed: Behaviour modification. The lecture was published as: Eelen, P. (1980). Gedragstherapie en gedragsmodificatie: Achtergronden. Leuvens Bulletin L. A. P. P., 39, 1–19.



这份手稿是纪念 Paul Eelen 教授的特刊的一部分,他于 2016 年 8 月 21 日去世。 Paul 是一位以临床为导向的科学家,对他来说,学习原则(巴甫洛夫式或操作性)不仅仅是唾液反应和杠杆按压。他在学习心理学方面的专业知识以及将这些知识转化为临床实践的热情激励了学术界内外的许多人。他的一些原创作品是用荷兰语写成的。我们没有在同事和朋友的贡献下编辑特刊,而是决定将他的精选手稿翻译成英文,以便广泛访问他的原始见解和意见。尽管这些手稿是在二十多年前写成的,但它们的内容却出人意料地具有当代性。这份手稿是对 1980 年发表的演讲的转录。这是 Paul Eelen 在美国学习两年后的第一次公开演讲,这启发了他后来的许多思考。该文本可以被视为行为治疗的宣言,因为它当时在比利时和荷兰取得了进展。此次演讲是对 1980 年 10 月 27 日举行的 LAPP 研讨会日的介绍,该研讨会的主题是:行为矫正。讲座发表为:Eelen, P. (1980)。Gedragstherapie en gedragsmodificatie:Achtergronden。鲁汶公报 LAPP,39, 1-19。该文本可以被视为行为治疗的宣言,因为它当时在比利时和荷兰取得了进展。此次演讲是对 1980 年 10 月 27 日举行的 LAPP 研讨会日的介绍,该研讨会的主题是:行为矫正。讲座发表为:Eelen, P. (1980)。Gedragstherapie en gedragsmodificatie:Achtergronden。鲁汶公报 LAPP,39, 1-19。该文本可以被视为行为治疗的宣言,因为它当时在比利时和荷兰取得了进展。此次演讲是对 1980 年 10 月 27 日举行的 LAPP 研讨会日的介绍,该研讨会的主题是:行为矫正。讲座发表为:Eelen, P. (1980)。Gedragstherapie en gedragsmodificatie:Achtergronden。鲁汶公报 LAPP,39, 1-19。