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Panama, a hot spot for Hermatomyces (Hermatomycetaceae, Pleosporales) with five new species, and a critical synopsis of the genus.
IMA Fungus ( IF 5.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-07-19 , DOI: 10.5598/imafungus.2018.09.01.08
Ondřej Koukol 1 , Gregorio Delgado 2, 3 , Tina A Hofmann 4 , Meike Piepenbring 3

Five new species belonging to Hermatomyces (Hermatomycetaceae, Pleosporales) are described based on morphological investigations of specimens collected on rotten twigs and stems of various plants in Panama as well as phylogenetic analyses of sequence data of nuclear ribosomal and protein coding genes (EF1-α, RPB2, β-TUB). The new species are described as: Hermatomyces bifurcatus, H. constrictus, H. megasporus, H. sphaericoides, and H. verrucosus spp. nov. Previously described species such as H. sphaericus and H. tucumanensis were identified among the studied specimens. The new combination, H. reticulatus, is made for Subicularium reticulatum based on examination of the holotype and fresh collections. Hermatomyces subiculosus, originally described from Thailand, is reduced to synonymy with H. reticulatus; H. tectonae is synonymized under H. sphaericus based on morphological and molecular evidence; and H. chiangmaiensis and H. thailandicus are considered later synonyms of H. krabiensis and H. indicus, respectively. The type material of Scyphostroma mirum was found to be conspecific with H. tucumanensis and, therefore, the generic name Hermatomyces should be conserved or protected against the older name Scyphostroma and the binomial H. tucumanensis against S. mirum. Sixteen species of Hermatomyces are recognized, their distinctive characteristics are highlighted in line drawings and a key is provided for their identification. The peculiar morphology and consistent phylogeny of new and previously known Hermatomyces species supports the recognition of the recently introduced monotypic family Hermatomycetaceae as a well delimited monophyletic taxon within the order Pleosporales.



根据在巴拿马各种植物的烂树枝和茎上收集的标本的形态学调查以及核核糖体和蛋白质编码基因(EF1-α,EF1-α)的序列数据的系统发育分析,描述了五个属于赫氏菌属的新种(Hermatomycetaceae,Pleosporales)。 RPB2,β-TUB)。这些新物种被描述为:双歧双歧杆菌,缩颈杆菌,巨孢菌,球形芽孢杆菌和疣疣菌。十一月 在所研究的标本中鉴定出先前描述的物种,例如球形芽孢杆菌和土库曼嗜血杆菌。新组合H. reticulatus是根据对整型和新鲜收集物的检查而用于网状亚种的。subiculosus,最初是从泰国描述的,被简化为网状嗜血杆菌的代名词。H. tectonae在H.下是同义词。基于形态和分子证据的球囊;chiangmaiensis和H.thainicus和H.thainicus分别被视为后来的H.krabiensis和H.indicus同义词。已发现密穗短螺旋体的类型材料与土库曼螺旋体是同种的,因此,应保守或保护通用名称Hermatomyces免受较早的名称短螺旋体和二倍体土库曼螺旋体的侵害。识别出16种Hermatomyces,其独特的特征在线条图中突出显示,并提供了用于识别它们的钥匙。新的和先前已知的Hermatomyces物种的独特形态和一致的系统发育支持将最近引入的单型科Hermatomycetaceae识别为斑节菌中的界限分明的单系统分类群。