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Regularization of Ill-Posed Point Neuron Models.
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2017-07-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s13408-017-0049-1
Bjørn Fredrik Nielsen 1

Point neuron models with a Heaviside firing rate function can be ill-posed. That is, the initial-condition-to-solution map might become discontinuous in finite time. If a Lipschitz continuous but steep firing rate function is employed, then standard ODE theory implies that such models are well-posed and can thus, approximately, be solved with finite precision arithmetic. We investigate whether the solution of this well-posed model converges to a solution of the ill-posed limit problem as the steepness parameter of the firing rate function tends to infinity. Our argument employs the Arzelà–Ascoli theorem and also yields the existence of a solution of the limit problem. However, we only obtain convergence of a subsequence of the regularized solutions. This is consistent with the fact that models with a Heaviside firing rate function can have several solutions, as we show. Our analysis assumes that the vector-valued limit function v, provided by the Arzelà–Ascoli theorem, is threshold simple: That is, the set containing the times when one or more of the component functions of v equal the threshold value for firing, has zero Lebesgue measure. If this assumption does not hold, we argue that the regularized solutions may not converge to a solution of the limit problem with a Heaviside firing function.


