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Dystrophic mineralization of the arterial fibrovascular tissue associated with a vitamin D hypervitaminosis in an 8-year-old female Alpaca (Vicugna pacos).
Irish Veterinary Journal ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2016-12-27 , DOI: 10.1186/s13620-016-0078-1
Alexander Tavella 1 , Annalisa Stefani 1 , Claudia Zanardello 1 , Astrid Bettini 1 , Matthias Gauly 2 , Patrik Zanolari 3

BACKGROUND Prophylactic Vitamin D supplementation is a common practice in Alpaca breeding in many regions around the world. An overdosage can lead to dystrophic mineralization of soft tissues. In this paper we illustrate a suspected case of hypervitaminosis D in an 8-year-old female Alpaca. CASE PRESENTATION In June 2015, the carcass of an 8-year-old female Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) was submitted to the diagnostic laboratory of the Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (IZSVe) for necropsy. The animal had undergone a spontaneous abortion with uterine prolapse and delivery of the placenta, and had died shortly thereafter. Death occurred due to internal haemorrhage related to dystrophic mineralization of the left renal artery with subsequent rupture and damage of the renal hilum. During the necropsy, histopathological and serum biochemical analyses were performed. After laboratory analyses and the history of mineral and vitamin supplementation reported by the breeder, a hypervitaminosis D was suspected to be the most probable cause of the dystrophic mineralization observed in the left renal artery. CONCLUSIONS Most of the information regarding Llamas and Alpacas comes from the South American and Australian regions. It is therefore important to provide scientific information about these animals in other regions of the world in order to have a better and wider understanding of the nutritional and environmental conditions necessary for optimal breeding.


8岁女性羊驼(Vicugna pacos)中与维生素D高维生素血症相关的动脉纤维血管组织营养不良矿化。

背景技术预防性补充维生素D是羊驼在世界许多地区的育种中的普遍做法。过量会导致软组织营养不良的矿化。在本文中,我们举例说明了在8岁的女性羊驼中疑似维生素D过多的病例。案例介绍2015年6月,一名8岁雌性羊驼(Vicugna pacos)的尸体被送至Iprotuto Zooprofilattico Spelementale delle Venezie(IZSVe)诊断实验室进行尸检。该动物自发流产,有子宫脱垂和胎盘分娩,此后不久死亡。死亡的发生是由于与左肾动脉营养不良性矿化有关的内部出血,随后破裂和肾门受损。尸检时 进行了组织病理学和血清生化分析。经过实验室分析并由饲养员报告了补充矿物质和维生素的历史后,怀疑高维生素D病是在左肾动脉中发现营养不良矿化的最可能原因。结论有关美洲驼和羊驼的大多数信息来自南美和澳大利亚地区。因此,重要的是提供有关世界其他地区这些动物的科学信息,以便对最佳育种所必需的营养和环境条件有更好和更广泛的了解。高维生素D被怀疑是在左肾动脉中观察到营养不良矿化的最可能原因。结论有关美洲驼和羊驼的大多数信息来自南美和澳大利亚地区。因此,重要的是要提供有关世界其他地区这些动物的科学信息,以便对最佳育种所必需的营养和环境条件有更好和更广泛的了解。高维生素D被怀疑是在左肾动脉中观察到营养不良矿化的最可能原因。结论有关美洲驼和羊驼的大多数信息来自南美和澳大利亚地区。因此,重要的是提供有关世界其他地区这些动物的科学信息,以便对最佳育种所必需的营养和环境条件有更好和更广泛的了解。