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Education of hand rubbing technique to prospective medical staff, employing UV-based digital imaging technology.
Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2016-6-30 , DOI: 10.1556/030.63.2016.2.6
Ákos Lehotsky 1 , László Szilágyi 2, 3 , Annamária Demeter-Iclănzan 4 , Tamás Haidegger 5, 6 , György Wéber 1

The aim of this study was to objectively assess the hand hygiene performance of medical students. Hand rubbing technique was evaluated by employing innovative UV-light-based imaging technology, identifying patterns and trends in missed areas after applying WHO's six-step protocol. This specially designed hand hygiene education and assessment program targeted 1,344 medical students at two distant sites in Central Europe. Students were introduced to a short video, presenting the basics of hand hygiene, and then received further demonstration from professional trainers, focusing on the correct execution of WHO's six-step technique. To verify the acquired skill, participants rubbed their hands with UV-marked alcohol-based solution. Digital images of the hands were recorded under UV light, followed by computer evaluation and assessment. Immediate objective visual feedback was given to the participants showing missed areas on their hands. The statistical analysis of missed spots was based on retrospective expert-driven manual evaluation. Significant difference in rubbing quality was found between female and male participants [35.3% (CI 95%: 33-38%) versus 29.0% (CI 95%: 27-31%), p < 0.001], dominant and non-dominant hands [43.4% (CI 95%: 39-48%) versus 34.9% (CI 95%: 32-38%), p = 0.002], and various zones of the hands' dorsal side. Based on the participants' feedback and the evaluation of the infection control specialists, it can be stated that the identification of typically missed patterns and the instant visual feedback have a vital role in improving the hand hygiene technique of prospective medical staff.



这项研究的目的是客观地评估医学生的手部卫生表现。通过采用创新的基于紫外线的成像技术对手擦技术进行了评估,在应用了世卫组织的六步操作规程后,确定了遗漏区域的图案和趋势。这个专门设计的手卫生教育和评估计划针对中欧两个偏远地区的1,344名医学生。向学生介绍了一个简短的视频,介绍了手部卫生的基本知识,然后接受了专业培训师的进一步示范,重点是正确执行WHO的六步法技术。为了验证所获得的技能,参与者用带有紫​​外线标记的酒精基溶液摩擦了手。在紫外线下记录手的数字图像,然后进行计算机评估和评估。立即向参与者提供客观的视觉反馈,显示出他们手上的缺失区域。漏点的统计分析是基于回顾性专家驱动的手动评估。女性和男性参与者之间的摩擦质量有显着差异[35.3%(CI 95%:33-38%)与29.0%(CI 95%:27-31%),p <0.001],显性和非显性手[43.4%(CI 95%:39-48%)与34.9%(CI 95%:32-38%),p = 0.002],以及手背侧的各个区域。根据参与者的反馈意见和感染控制专家的评估,可以说,典型遗漏模式的识别和即时视觉反馈在改善准医护人员的手部卫生技术方面具有至关重要的作用。