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Unfair permutations.
European Journal of Combinatorics ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2011-08-11 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ejc.2011.04.002
Helmut Prodinger 1 , Carsten Schneider 2 , Stephan Wagner 1

We study unfair permutations, which are generated by letting n players draw numbers and assuming that player i draws i times from the unit interval and records her largest value. This model is natural in the context of partitions: the score of the ith player corresponds to the multiplicity of the summand i in a random partition, with the roles of minimum and maximum interchanged. We study the distribution of several parameters, namely the position of player i, the number of inversions, and the number of ascents. To perform some of the heavy computations, we use the computer algebra package Sigma.



我们研究不公平的排列,这些排列是通过让ñ 玩家画数字并假设该玩家 一世 抽签 一世从单位间隔开始计时,并记录她的最大值。在分区的情况下,此模型很自然:一世玩家对应于被加数的倍数 一世在随机分区中,最小和最大角色互换。我们研究几个参数的分布,即玩家的位置一世,反转次数和上升次数。为了执行一些繁重的计算,我们使用计算机代数软件包Sigma
