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Zika Virus.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews ( IF 36.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-07-01 , DOI: 10.1128/cmr.00072-15
Didier Musso 1 , Duane J Gubler 2

Zika virus (ZIKV) is an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) in the genus Flavivirus and the family Flaviviridae. ZIKV was first isolated from a nonhuman primate in 1947 and from mosquitoes in 1948 in Africa, and ZIKV infections in humans were sporadic for half a century before emerging in the Pacific and the Americas. ZIKV is usually transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. The clinical presentation of Zika fever is nonspecific and can be misdiagnosed as other infectious diseases, especially those due to arboviruses such as dengue and chikungunya. ZIKV infection was associated with only mild illness prior to the large French Polynesian outbreak in 2013 and 2014, when severe neurological complications were reported, and the emergence in Brazil of a dramatic increase in severe congenital malformations (microcephaly) suspected to be associated with ZIKV. Laboratory diagnosis of Zika fever relies on virus isolation or detection of ZIKV-specific RNA. Serological diagnosis is complicated by cross-reactivity among members of the Flavivirus genus. The adaptation of ZIKV to an urban cycle involving humans and domestic mosquito vectors in tropical areas where dengue is endemic suggests that the incidence of ZIKV infections may be underestimated. There is a high potential for ZIKV emergence in urban centers in the tropics that are infested with competent mosquito vectors such as Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.



寨卡病毒(ZIKV)是黄病毒科黄病毒属的节肢动物传播病毒(虫媒病毒)。ZIKV 于 1947 年首次从非人类灵长类动物中分离出来,并于 1948 年从非洲的蚊子中分离出来。半个世纪以来,ZIKV 在人类中零星感染,然后才在太平洋和美洲出现。ZIKV 通常通过受感染的蚊子叮咬传播。寨卡热的临床表现不具有特异性,可能被误诊为其他传染病,尤其是由登革热和基孔肯雅热等虫媒病毒引起的传染病。在 2013 年和 2014 年法属波利尼西亚大规模疫情爆发之前,寨卡病毒感染仅与轻微疾病相关,当时报告了严重的神经系统并发症,而巴西疑似与寨卡病毒相关的严重先天畸形(小头畸形)急剧增加。寨卡热的实验室诊断依赖于病毒分离或寨卡病毒特异性 RNA 的检测。黄病毒属成员之间的交叉反应使血清学诊断变得复杂。在登革热流行的热带地区,寨卡病毒适应了涉及人类和家养蚊媒的城市周期,这表明寨卡病毒感染的发病率可能被低估。热带地区的城市中心出现寨卡病毒的可能性很大,这些城市中心有埃及伊蚊和白纹伊蚊等强蚊媒。