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Update on Baylisascariasis, a Highly Pathogenic Zoonotic Infection.
Clinical Microbiology Reviews ( IF 36.8 ) Pub Date : 2016-03-11 , DOI: 10.1128/cmr.00044-15
Carlos Graeff-Teixeira 1 , Alessandra Loureiro Morassutti 2 , Kevin R Kazacos 3

Baylisascaris procyonis, the raccoon roundworm, infects a wide range of vertebrate animals, including humans, in which it causes a particularly severe type of larva migrans. It is an important cause of severe neurologic disease (neural larva migrans [NLM]) but also causes ocular disease (OLM; diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis [DUSN]), visceral larva migrans (VLM), and covert/asymptomatic infections. B. procyonis is common and widespread in raccoons, and there is increasing recognition of human disease, making a clinical consideration of baylisascariasis important. This review provides an update for this disease, especially its clinical relevance and diagnosis, and summarizes the clinical cases of human NLM and VLM known to date. Most diagnosed patients have been young children less than 2 years of age, although the number of older patients diagnosed in recent years has been increasing. The recent development of recombinant antigen-based serodiagnostic assays has aided greatly in the early diagnosis of this infection. Patients recovering with fewer severe sequelae have been reported in recent years, reinforcing the current recommendation that early treatment with albendazole and corticosteroids should be initiated at the earliest suspicion of baylisascariasis. Considering the seriousness of this zoonotic infection, greater public and medical awareness is critical for the prevention and early treatment of human cases.



lis子round虫Baylisascaris procyonis感染了包括人类在内的多种脊椎动物,其中引起了特别严重的幼虫迁徙。它是严重的神经系统疾病(神经幼虫移行[NLM])的重要原因,但也引起眼部疾病(OLM;弥漫性单侧亚急性神经视网膜炎[DUSN]),内脏幼虫移行(VLM)和隐性/无症状感染。procyonis B. procyonis在浣熊中很常见,并且很普遍,人们对人类疾病的认识也越来越高,因此临床考虑Baylisascariasis很重要。这篇综述提供了对该疾病的更新,尤其是其临床相关性和诊断,并总结了迄今为止已知的人类NLM和VLM的临床病例。大多数诊断出的患者都是2岁以下的幼儿,尽管近年来诊断出的老年患者数量一直在增加。基于重组抗原的血清学诊断方法的最新发展极大地帮助了这种感染的早期诊断。近年来,已有报道称患者的严重后遗症康复程度较低,这进一步加强了当前的建议,即在怀疑贝氏lis虫病最早时应开始使用阿苯达唑和皮质类固醇的早期治疗。考虑到这种人畜共患疾病的严重性,提高公众和医疗意识对于预防和早期治疗人类病例至关重要。近年来,已有报道称患者的严重后遗症康复程度较低,这进一步加强了当前的建议,即在怀疑贝氏lis虫病最早时应开始使用阿苯达唑和皮质类固醇的早期治疗。考虑到这种人畜共患疾病的严重性,提高公众和医疗意识对于预防和早期治疗人类病例至关重要。近年来,已有报道称患者的严重后遗症康复程度较低,这进一步加强了当前的建议,即在怀疑贝氏lis虫病最早时应开始使用阿苯达唑和皮质类固醇的早期治疗。考虑到这种人畜共患病的严重性,提高公众和医疗意识对于预防和早期治疗人类病例至关重要。