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Growth, inter- and intraspecific variation, palaeobiogeography, taphonomy and systematics of the Cenozoic ghost shrimp Glypturus.
Journal of Systematic Palaeontology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2015-03-16 , DOI: 10.1080/14772019.2015.1009505
Adiël A Klompmaker 1 , Matúš Hyžný 2 , Roger W Portell 1 , Michał Kowalewski 1

Studies in systematic palaeontology are greatly aided when numerous, well-preserved specimens are available so that quantitative methods can be used to substantiate qualitative observations. This is often not the case for fossil decapod crustaceans due to their relatively low preservation potential. Here, we examined primarily two large collections of the well-preserved ghost shrimp Glypturus from the Holo-Pleistocene of Panama and the late Miocene of Florida. Using descriptive, bivariate, multivariate and geometric morphometric methods, two new species are described based on appendage material: Glypturus panamacanalensis sp. nov. and G. sikesi sp. nov. New characters are identified, and size-related and intraspecific variation are assessed for these taxa and modern G. acanthochirus. Taxonomic placement of single specimens from other localities was confirmed by multivariate methods. Furthermore, Glypturus is revised, especially with regard to Western Atlantic species that inhabited both carbonate and siliciclastic environments. Callianassa anguillensis, C. latidigata, and Neocallichirus? quisquellanus are referred to as Glypturus sp. until more material is available to determine the validity of these species. Diversity within Glypturus may thus be underestimated, thereby also impacting the assessment of phylogenetic relationships. Minor propodi appear under-represented relative to major propodi, suggesting a taphonomic bias. Single specimens of interest include a specimen of G. panamacanalensis sp. nov. exhibiting a peculiar swelling in the fixed finger and another showing damage on the propodal upper margin, suggesting failed predation or antagonistic behaviour. Glypturus is first found in the Oligocene in the Western Atlantic and may have expanded its palaeobiogeographical range since the Miocene. The genus was still present on the Pacific side of the Isthmus of Panama in the Holo-Pleistocene, but is only known from the Western Atlantic today, suggesting a relatively recent extinction on the Pacific side.



新生代鬼虾 Glypturus 的生长、种间和种内变异、古生物地理学、埋藏学和系统学。

当有大量保存完好的标本可用时,系统性古生物学研究会得到很大帮助,因此可以使用定量方法来证实定性观察。化石十足的甲壳类动物通常不是这种情况,因为它们的保存潜力相对较低。在这里,我们主要检查了来自巴拿马全更新世和佛罗里达中新世晚期保存完好的幽灵虾Glypturus的两个大型收藏品。使用描述性、双变量、多变量和几何形态测量方法,基于附属材料描述了两个新物种:Glypturus panamacanalensis sp。十一月 和G.斯克斯sp。十一月 确定了新的特征,并评估了这些分类群和现代G. acanthochirus的大小相关和种内变异。通过多变量方法确认了来自其他地区的单个标本的分类放置。此外,对 Glypturus进行了修订,特别是关于同时居住在碳酸盐和硅质碎屑环境中的西大西洋物种。Callianassa anguillensisC. latidigataNeocallichirus?quisquellanus被称为Glypturus sp。直到有更多材料可用于确定这些物种的有效性。Glypturus内部的多样性因此可能被低估,从而也影响系统发育关系的评估。相对于主要propodi,次要propodi 的代表性不足,表明存在埋藏偏差。感兴趣的单个标本包括G. panamacanalensis sp。十一月 固定手指表现出特殊的肿胀,另一个显示前肢上缘有损伤,表明捕食失败或敌对行为。Glypturus首次发现于西大西洋的渐新世,自中新世以来可能已经扩大了其古生物地理范围。在全更新世,该属仍然存在于巴拿马地峡的太平洋一侧,但仅在今天的西大西洋才知道,这表明太平洋一侧相对较近的灭绝。

