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Education, Vulnerability, and Resilience after a Natural Disaster
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2013-01-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-05377-180216
Elizabeth Frankenberg 1 , Bondan Sikoki 2 , Cecep Sumantri 2 , Wayan Suriastini 2 , Duncan Thomas 1

The extent to which education provides protection in the face of a large-scale natural disaster is investigated. Using longitudinal population-representative survey data collected in two provinces on the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, before and after the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, we examine changes in a broad array of indicators of well-being of adults. Focusing on adults who were living, before the tsunami, in areas that were subsequently severely damaged by the tsunami, better educated males were more likely to survive the tsunami, but education is not predictive of survival among females. Education is not associated with levels of post-traumatic stress among survivors 1 year after the tsunami, or with the likelihood of being displaced. Where education does appear to play a role is with respect to coping with the disaster over the longer term. The better educated were far less likely than others to live in a camp or other temporary housing, moving, instead, to private homes, staying with family or friends, or renting a new home. The better educated were more able to minimize dips in spending levels following the tsunami, relative to the cuts made by those with little education. Five years after the tsunami, the better educated were in better psycho-social health than those with less education. In sum, education is associated with higher levels of resilience over the longer term.



对教育在面对大规模自然灾害时提供保护的程度进行了调查。使用在 2004 年印度洋海啸前后在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛的两个省收集的纵向人口代表性调查数据,我们检查了一系列广泛的成年人福祉指标的变化。关注海啸前生活在随后遭受海啸严重破坏地区的成年人,受过良好教育的男性更有可能在海啸中幸存下来,但教育并不能预测女性的生存情况。教育与海啸后一年幸存者的创伤后压力水平或流离失所的可能性无关。教育似乎确实发挥作用的是在长期应对灾难方面。与其他人相比,受过良好教育的人不太可能住在营地或其他临时住所,而是搬到私人住宅、与家人或朋友住在一起,或租用新房。与受教育程度低的人相比,受过良好教育的人更能够最大限度地减少海啸后支出水平的下降。海啸发生五年后,受过良好教育的人比受教育程度低的人心理社会健康状况更好。总之,从长远来看,教育与更高水平的复原力有关。相对于那些没有受过教育的人所做的削减。海啸发生五年后,受过良好教育的人比受教育程度低的人心理社会健康状况更好。总之,从长远来看,教育与更高水平的复原力有关。相对于那些没有受过教育的人所做的削减。海啸发生五年后,受过良好教育的人比受教育程度低的人心理社会健康状况更好。总之,从长远来看,教育与更高水平的复原力有关。