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The Genetic Basis of Primate Behavior: Genetics and Genomics in Field-Based Primatology
International Journal of Primatology ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2013-11-29 , DOI: 10.1007/s10764-013-9732-6
Lauren J N Brent 1 , Amanda D Melin 2

Recent advances in genetic and genomic techniques have led to explosive advances in the fields of biology and ecology. Perhaps nowhere is the stark difference between what was possible in genetics research 10 years ago compared to what can be done today as obvious as in field-based studies of animals. Whereas biologists of the past were severely limited by the costs of most genetic analyses, the biologists of today must cope with the timeand information-processing constraints associated with analyzing huge quantities of data—a privileged problem to be sure. This shift has been brought about most directly by the widespread use of massively parallel (or next-generation) sequencing, which has drastically reduced not only the costs of genotyping (a trend that continues), but also the quantity and quality of requisite DNA, as well as the amount of time required to complete genetics projects (Bradley and Lawler 2011; Perry 2014; Tung et al. 2010). These advances, in addition to the now commonplace presence of shared genomics infrastructure in research institutes and universities, have removed most of the major limitations to the use of genetic information by animal biologists. Scholars that study nonhuman primates are particularly well poised to take advantage and benefit from this new wave of genetics. Interests in primates from the biomedical community, which stem from our shared taxonomic membership (McClure 1984; Rogers and Hixson 1997; Watson and Platt 2012), have resulted in the fullgenome sequencing of a relatively large number of primate species. The full-genome sequence has been published or is underway for at least 23 primate species (Bradley Int J Primatol (2014) 35:1–10 DOI 10.1007/s10764-013-9732-6



遗传和基因组技术的最新进展导致生物学和生态学领域的爆炸性进展。也许 10 年前遗传学研究的可能性与今天可以做的相比,没有任何地方可以像动物实地研究那样明显。过去的生物学家受到大多数基因分析成本的严重限制,而今天的生物学家必须应对与分析大量数据相关的时间和信息处理限制——这无疑是一个特权问题。这种转变最直接的是大规模平行(或下一代)测序的广泛使用带来的,它不仅大大降低了基因分型的成本(这种趋势还在继续),而且还降低了所需 DNA 的数量和质量,以及完成遗传学项目所需的时间(Bradley 和 Lawler 2011;Perry 2014;Tung 等人,2010)。除了研究机构和大学中现在普遍存在的共享基因组学基础设施之外,这些进步已经消除了动物生物学家使用遗传信息的大部分主要限制。研究非人类灵长类动物的学者特别准备好利用这一新的遗传学浪潮并从中受益。生物医学界对灵长类动物的兴趣源于我们共同的分类学成员(McClure 1984;Rogers 和 Hixson 1997;Watson 和 Platt 2012),导致对相对大量的灵长类物种进行全基因组测序。