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休斯顿大学Chengzhi Cai 课题组招收博士生及CSC联合培养博士生

美国德克萨斯州休斯顿大学((University of Houston (UH))化学系 蔡成志 Chengzhi Cai(cai@uh.edu)教授课题组计划招收博士生及国家公派联合培养博士留学生。欢迎化学、化工、高分子、生物等理工科专业的同学们申请。所有休大化学系的博士生都会得到相同的资助。 联合培养博士生除去CSC提供的生活费,蔡教授会额外补充一些生活费用(休斯顿是全美第四大城市,但是消费较低)。

Chengzhi Cai教授简介

蔡成志教授在华南理工大学化学系获得学士(1986)和硕士(1989)学位;1996年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院获得有机化学博士学位;1996至1999年在瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院量子电子研究所从事博士后研究。2000年至今历任美国休斯顿大学化学系助理教授、副教授和教授(终生)。曾获得美国国家科学基金会职业奖和苏黎世联邦理工学院奖章等奖项。主持和参与了多项美国国家科学基金会(NSF)和美国国家健康研究院(NIH)研究项目。在Nature Mater, Adv. Mater, J. Am. Chem. Soc, Biomaterials 等刊物上发表论文80多篇,授权美国专利5项。


organic synthesis and methodology, modern mass spectrometry, anti-infection coatings, drug deliver, bacterial biofilms, biomaterials, organic thin films, and surface functionalization and nanochemistry.


申请者须在读或毕业于知名大学化学, 生物,化工, 或高分子系。申请博士生需有GRE 及TOEFL成绩。


1. 蔡教授个人主页:https://mynsm.uh.edu/wiki/projects/caigroup/  (请查看研究兴趣及论文)

2. 休大化学系博士生申请:http://www.uh.edu/nsm/chemistry/graduate/

3. 国家留学基金委公派博士留学生选派简章:http://www.csc.edu.cn/article/723/


Knowledge and skill you will gain from the study in our lab toward your PhD

• Analytical chemistry: quantitative analysis of trace amount (at fetogram level) of molecules in complex biological and materials systems using state-of-the-art high resolution liquid chromatography ion mobility tandem time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-IM-QTOF MS) and Thermo orbitrap mass spectrometry.

• Biomaterials and biointerfaces: understanding how biological systems interact with biomaterials at a molecular level, designing and optimizing drug delivery systems and biosensors.

• Surface chemistry:  surface biofunctionalization and characterization.

• Organic chemistry:  synthesis/conjugation of carbohydrates, peptides, proteins, lipids, dyes and polymers, and development of efficient catalysts.

Creative problem solving and critical thinking with a high standard!

All graduates from our lab are working on a permanent position in analytical and chemical companies, and universities.

Houston is the fourth largest (close to Chicago) and fast-growing city in the US. It has a huge China town and the world’s largest medical center, and Rockets!


1. Zhu, Z. L.; Yu, F.; Chen, H. Q.; Wang, J.; Lopez, A. I.; Chen, Q.; Li, S. H.; Long, Y. Y.; Darouiche, R.; Hull, R.; Zhang, L. J.; Cai, C. Z.* "Coating of silicone with mannoside-PAMAM dendrimers to enhance formation of non-pathogenic Escherichia coli biofilms against colonization of uropathogens." Acta Biomater., Revision submitted.

2. Chen, Q.; Li, S.; Feng, Z.; Wang, M.; Cai, C. Z.; Wang, J.; Zhang, L.* "Poly(2-(diethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)-based, pH-responsive, copolymeric mixed micelles for targeting anticancer drug control release." Int. J. Nanomed., 2017, 12, 6857–6870.

3. Khantamat, O.; Li, C.-H.; Liu, S.-P.; Liu, T. T.; Lee, H. J.; Zenasni, J.; Lee, T. C.; Cai, C. Z.; Lee, T. R.* "Broadening the Photoresponsive Activity of Anatase TiO2 Particles via Decoration with Partial Gold Shells" J. Colloid Interf. Sci., Revision submitted.

4. Zhu, Z. L.; Chen, H. Q.; Li, S. H.; Yang, X. M.; Bittner, E.; Cai, C. Z.* "Tripodal amine ligands for accelerating Cu-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition: efficiency and stability against oxidation and dissciation." Catal. Sci. Technol., 2017, 7, 2474–2485.

5. Qin, G. T.; Zhu, Z. L.; Li, S. H.; McDermott, A. M.; Cai, C. Z.* "Development of ciprofloxacin-loaded contact lenses using fluorous chemistry." Biomaterials, 2017, 124, 55–64.

6. Chen, H. Q.; Cai, C. Z.*; Li, S. H.; Ma, Y.; Luozhong S. J.; Zhu, Z. L. "Intermediates stabilized by tris(triazolylmethyl)amines in CuAAC reaction." Chem. Eur. J., 2017, 23, 4730–4735.

7. Chen, Q.; Zhu, Z. L.; Wang, J.; Lopez, A. I.; Li, S. H.; Kumar, A.; Yu, F.; Chen, H. Q.; Cai, C. Z. *; Zhang, L. J.* "Probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 biofilms on silicone substrates for bacterial interference against pathogen colonization." Acta Biomater., 2017, 50, 353–360.

8. Li, S. H.; Wang, L.; Yu, F.; Zhu, Z. L.; Shobaki, D.; Chen, H. Q.; Wang, M.; Wang, J.; Qin, G. T.; Erasquin, U. J.; Ren, L.; Wang, Y. J.; Cai, C. Z.* "Copper-catalyzed click reaction on/in live cells." Chem. Sci., 2017, 8, 2107–2144.

9. Qin, G. T.; Yam, C. M.; Kumar, A.; Lopez-Romero, J. M.*; Li, S.; Huynh, T.; Li, Y.; Contreras-Caceres, R.; Cai, C. Z.* "Preparation, characterization, and protein-resistance of films derived from a series of α-oligo(ethylene glycol)-ω-alkenes on H–Si(111) surfaces." RSC Adv., 2017, 7, 14466–14476.

10. Martinez, D.; Gutierrez, L.; Cai, C. Z.; Deng, B. W.; Zhang, M.; Ye, C.; Cheng, H.; Ni, H. W.; Cheng, G.* "In vitro osteoblast gene expression and differentiation atop of titanium blocks laser coated with multilayer biphasic calcium phosphate/titanium nanocomposites." Biomed. Phys. Eng. Express, 2017, 3, #2.

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