我们团队现招聘一名博士后研究员,职位最早可于2025年3月1日开始,参与药物发现和自动逆合成路径规划相关研究。我们寻求一位积极主动、富有激情的候选人,需具备计算化学领域的坚实研究背景,特别是在人工智能/机器学习、分子表示法、有机小分子逆合成路径规划方面。理想的候选人应能够独立开展研究,同时积极与团队成员合作。 化学、计算机科学、数据科学或相关领域的博士学位 丰富的AI/ML研究经验,精通计算机编程和数据分析 具备有机化学和逆合成路径规划的专业知识 出色的沟通能力,以及与职业阶段相符的发表记录 能够在多元化研究团队中独立工作并开展合作研究 每年 72,000 新币;外加新加坡国立大学医疗保险和员工福利待遇 2025年3月1日或之后尽快入职 12个月,表现优秀者续约 请将以下材料合并为一个 PDF 文件提交: 求职信:详细阐述您的研究兴趣及与该职位的匹配度 完整的学术简历 三位推荐人的联系方式,推荐人须愿意提供推荐信 您的三篇代表性论文 请将申请材料发送至:Dr. Pengfei Ou(pengf.ou@nus.edu.sg),邮件主题请注明:“人工智能在逆合成路径规划中的博士后研究职位申请”。申请评审将立即开始,直至职位招满为止。 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence for Retrosynthetic Planning in the Department of Chemistry at the National University of Singapore A research fellow position is available as early as March 1, 2025, to join our team and contribute to drug discovery and automated retrosynthetic planning. We are seeking a highly motivated candidate with a strong research background in computational chemistry, particularly in AI/ML, molecular representation, retrosynthetic planning, and organic synthesis. The candidate should be capable of leading independent research while actively collaborating with other team members. Qualifications: A PhD in Chemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, or a closely related field Extensive AI/ML experience and strong proficiency in computer programming and data analysis Knowledge in organic chemistry and retrosynthetic planning Excellent communication skills and a career-level-appropriate publication track record Ability to work both independently and collaboratively within a diverse research team Salary: SGD 72,000/year; Medical and leave benefits will be provided based on NUS standards Expected Start Date: Mar 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter Appointment: Term – (12 months) with high potential for renewal How to Apply: Please submit a single PDF file containing the following: A cover letter detailing your research interests and fit for the position Your full academic CV Contact information for three referees prepared to provide references Your three most relevant publications Send your application to Dr. Pengfei Ou (pengf.ou@nus.edu.sg), with the subject line: “Application for the Postdoctoral Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence for Retrosynthetic Planning”. Evaluation of candidates will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
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