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樊丽宝 博士生(2020)     进组时间: 2020-09

樊丽宝:中南大学物理与电子学院物理学专业博士研究生 (导师:束传存教授)。2017年7月本科毕业于衡阳师范学院,2020年7月硕士毕业于湖南师范大学,研究方向为光场调控腔场中分子动力学。




5. L.-B. Fan, and C.-C. Shu*(通讯作者), Pulse-area theorem for precision control of the rotational motions of a single molecule in a cavity.  Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical. 56 365302 (2023) (论文链接

4. L-B. Fan, C.-C. Shu*(通讯作者), D. Dong, J. He, N. E. Henriksen, and F. Nori,Quantum Coherent Control of a Single Molecular-Polariton Rotation. Physical Review Letters, 130: 043604, (2023). (论文链接)

3. Q.-Q. Hong, L.-B. Fan, C.-C. Shu*(通讯作者), N. E. Henriksen, Generation of maximal three-state field-free molecular orientation with terahertz pulses, Phys. Rev. A, 104, 013108 (2021) (论文链接)

2. Li-Bao Fan, Yue-Hui Zhou, Fen Zou, Huan Guo, Jin-Feng Huang*, and Jie-Qiao Liao*, Quantum thermalization and vanishing thermal entanglement in the open Jaynes-Cummings model, ANNALEN DER PHYSIK 2020, 2000134.

1. Fen Zou, Li-Bao Fan, Jin-Feng Huang*, and Jie-Qiao Liao*, Enhancement of few-photon optomechanical effects with cross-Kerr nonlinearity, Phys. Rev. A 99, 043837 (2019).