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Physical Review A 发表研究组与吉林大学原子与分子研究所合作研究成果

近日,美国物理学会期刊Physical Review A发表研究组与吉林大学原子与分子研究所合作研究成果“Generation of fractional and multiple imaginary rotational alignment echoes”。该论文第一作者为吉林大学原子与分子研究所胡湛教授研究组廉振忠博士生,其研究组陈洲老师和中南大学超快量子调控研究组束传存教授为论文的共同通讯作者。 

论文摘要:We present a theoretical investigation to understand the connection between the formation of different rotational alignment echoes and the underlying excitation pathways induced by temporally delayed laser pulses. The fractional and multiple imaginary alignment echoes are predicted and demonstrated in the linear polar molecule carbonyl sulfide. We also use a two-dimensional spectrum obtained from higher-order alignment echo signals to identify the underlying quantum coherence. This work deepens our understanding of the alignment echo phenomenon. It provides a way to gain insight into the relationship between the echo signal and the underlying pathway with potential applications in rotational echo spectroscopy
