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欢迎投稿Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry 英文版(SCI) Special issue


Prof. Dr. kelong Ai, aikelong@csu.edu.cn

Prof. Dr. Linlin Li,  lilinlin@binn.cas.cn

Speical issue 简介:

Advanced chemical technologies, materials, and sensors in early disease diagnosis.


Early diagnosis is a universally accepted key link to improve therapeutic outcome, survival rate, and prognosis of patients, and the direction of researchers' efforts despite facing huge challenges. In recent years, advanced chemical technologies, materials, and sensors have achieved brilliant successes in the early diagnosis of diseases that have been gaining tremendous momentumThis special issue is initiated in hope of promoting the development of new strategies at chemical technologies, advanced materials and sensors in early diagnosis. Accordingly, papers on multidisciplinary studies are particularly emphasized, mainly including outstanding achievements in analytical chemistry, nanomaterials, biosensors, flexible electronics, and biomedical instruments. We believe this special issue will inspire new ideas for researchers.

This special issue promotes the publication of inventive and advanced research work in the field of Advanced chemical technologies, materials, and sensors in early disease diagnosis.

We invite the submission of original research articles, communications and review articles to this special issue.

Topics of primary interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Molecular probes for early disease diagnosis
  • Electrochemical technologies and materials for early disease diagnosis
  • Development and application of microfluidic diagnostic chip
  • Optical technologies and materials for early disease diagnosis
  • Nanomaterials for early disease diagnosis
  • Application of nanomaterials in improving traditional diagnostic sensors and probes
  • Contribution of nanomaterials in multi-technology joint early diagnosis
  • COVID-19 related diagnostic technologies, materials, and sensors
  • Flexible, wearable, and bioelectronics for diagnosis and monitoring purpose
  • Future development and prospect of diagnostic nanotechnology

Guest editors:

Prof. Dr. Linlin Li, Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, Chinese Academy of Sciences, lilinlin@binn.cas.cn

Prof. Linlin Li received her Ph.D. degree in Physical Chemistry from Technical Institute of Physics and Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. Currently, she is a professor and group leader at Beijing Institute of Nanoenergy and Nanosystems, CAS. She has been awarded the National Youth Talent Support Program and CAS Lu Jiaxi Award for Young Talents. She is the Associate Editor of Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry (English Version) and Academic Editor of 5 other journals. She has published over 120 peer-reviewed papers in Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Nano, Sci. Bull. etc. with over 8000 citations (H-index=40). Her research interests mainly include biomedical application of biomaterials and self-powered devices in cancer therapy, biosensing, and tissue regeneration. Details can be found at: https://www.x-mol.com/groups/lilinlin.

Prof. Dr. kelong Ai, Central South University, aikelong@csu.edu.cn

Prof. Kelong Ai received his Ph.D. degree in Materials Science from Jilin University in 2018. Currently, he is a professor of the Department of Pharmacology and deputy director of the Clinical Pharmacy Research and Translation Center, Xiangya School of Pharmacy, Central South University. He has been awarded the Hunan Provincial Science Foundation for Distinguished Young Scholars, 2 provincial and ministerial first prizes, and 1 second prize. He is invited reviewer of more than 20 major international academic journals, and a member of editorial board or youth editorial board of 4 SCI journals. He has authored over 60 peer-reviewed papers in Adv. Mater, Nano Today, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, Adv. Funct. Mater. etc. with over 10,000 citations (H- index=37). His research interests mainly include the mechanism of oxidative stress in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular injury, and the research of nano-drugs in cancer diagnosis and treatment and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular repair. Details can be found at: https://faculty.csu.edu.cn/aikelong/zh_CN/index.htm.

Manuscript submission information:

The final submission deadline:

(The last date until which Elsevier System will be open for new submissions)

30th Jul. 2022

The final acceptance deadline (for guest editors):

(Final decision on each of the manuscript must have been made by this date)

30th Oct. 2022

Submission link
