当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  《Macromolecular Rapid Communications》工作被Wiley AdvancedScienceNews报道!Research work of 'Engineering Redox Activity in Conjugated Microporous Polytriphenylamine Networks Using Pyridyl Building Blocks toward Efficient Supercapacitors' was highlighted by Wiley AdvancedScienceNews
《Macromolecular Rapid Communications》工作被Wiley AdvancedScienceNews报道!Research work of 'Engineering Redox Activity in Conjugated Microporous Polytriphenylamine Networks Using Pyridyl Building Blocks toward Efficient Supercapacitors' was highlighted by Wiley AdvancedScienceNews

《Macromolecular Rapid Communications》关于原子调控高分子电极材料的电化学储能性能工作被Wiley AdvancedScienceNews报道!

Research work of 'Engineering Redox Activity in Conjugated Microporous Polytriphenylamine Networks Using Pyridyl Building Blocks toward Efficient Supercapacitors' was highlighted by Wiley AdvancedScienceNews. 
