当前位置: 首页   >  课题组新闻   >  廖耀祖和吕伟老师出席2019年全国高分子学术论文报告会 Prof Liao and Dr Lyu attended Polymer Preprints of the National Council 2019
廖耀祖和吕伟老师出席2019年全国高分子学术论文报告会 Prof Liao and Dr Lyu attended Polymer Preprints of the National Council 2019


Prof Liao and Dr. Lyu attended Polymer Preprints of the National Council 2019. Prof Liao chaired session K and gave an invited oral presentation. The Polymer Preprints of the National Council 2019, the premier conference in the field of Chinese polymer research, was primarily hosted by the Polymer Division, Chinese Chemical Society, and secondarily hosted by Northwestern Polytechnical University. More than 5000 scholars and scientists attended this conference.