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祝贺程中桦同学荣获国家奖学金 Congratulations to Zhonghua Cheng for winning the National Scholarship

祝贺程中桦同学荣获国家奖学金。国家奖学金是指为了激励普通本科高校、高等职业学校和高等专科学校学生勤奋学习、努力进取,在德、智、体、美等方面全面发展,由中央政府出资设立的用来奖励特别优秀学生的奖学金,作为大学生能获得国家奖学金是一项莫大的荣誉。程中桦同学在读期间在ACS Applied Materials Interfaces、Chemistry of Materials、Chemical Engineering Journal、Polymer Chemistry上发表多篇论文,并申请了2项中国发明专利。去年,本课题组王海鸽、李佳欢同学曾荣获国家奖学金。

Congratulations to Zhonghua Cheng for winning the National Scholarship. It is a great honor for Chinese students to win the National Scholarship. Zhonghua has published a great number of high-quality research papers in ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, Chemistry of Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, and Polymer Chemistry, and also applied two Chinese invention patents. Haige Wang and Jiahuan Li also won the National Scholarship last year.