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李志春 进组时间: 2013    离组时间: 2018




Ø  荧光材料(量子点CdSe/CdSCuInS2/ZnSInP/ZnSCsPbBr3)的制备

Ø  量子点LED的制备


2013.9 - 2018.6       上海交通大学         环境科学与工程                博士

2008.9 - 2011.6        重庆大学                高分子化学与物理            硕士

2004.9 - 2008.6        大同大学                化学                                学士


Ø  申请PCT专利

1. 一种自钝化量子点的制备方法,第二申请人,申请号:PCT/2015/070161, 美国申请号:15/314820

2. 一种金属氧化物/二氧化硅包覆的量子点及其制备方法,第二申请人,申请号:PCT/2016/107168

3. 一种金属离子对复合物包覆的量子点及其制备方法,第二申请人,申请号:PCT/CN2018/087320

Ø  申请专利:

1. 一种自钝化量子点及其制备方法,第二申请人,申请号:CN201510830152.9

2. 金属氧化物/二氧化硅包覆或包裹的量子点及其制备方法,第二申请人,申请号:201610478181.8

3. 一种稳定的量子点及其制备方法,第二申请人,申请号:201810632328.3

Ø  已发表论文:

1. Zhichun Li, et al., Highly Luminescent and Ultrastable CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots Incorporated into a Silica/Alumina Monolith, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 2017, 129, 8246-8250. IF=11.994

2. Zhichun Li, et al., General Method for the Synthesis of Ultrastable Core/Shell Quantum Dots by Aluminum Doping, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015, 137, 12430-12433. IF=13.858

3. Zhichun Li, et al., Effect of the Electronic Structure on the Stability of CdSe/CdS and CdSe/CdS/ZnS Quantum-Dot Phosphors Incorporated into a Silica/Alumina Monolith, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2018, 1, 3086-3090..

4. Hua Sun#, Zhichun Li#, et al., Enhancing the Stability of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals by Sequential Surface Adsorption of S2- and Metal ions, Chemical Communications, 2018, 54, 9345-9348.IF=6.319

5. Shouqiang Huang, Zhichun Li, et al., Enhancing the Stability of CH3NH3PbBr3 Quantum Dots by Embedding in Silica Spheres Derived from Tetramethyl Orthosilicate in “Waterless” Toluene, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 5749-5752. IF=13.858

6. Long Kong, Zhichun Li, et al., Efficient removal of Pb(II) from water using magnetic Fe3S4/reduced graphene oxide composites, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5, 19333-19342. IF=8.867

7. Long Kong, Zhichun Li, et al., Boosting photocatalytic performance and stability of CuInS2/ZnS-TiO2 heterostructures via sol-gel processed integrate amorphous titania gel, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2107, 204, 403-410. IF=9.446

8. Shouqiang Huang, Zhichun Li, et al., Morphology Evolution and Degradation of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals under Blue Light-Emitting Diode Illumination, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9, 7249-7258. IF=7.504

9. Lili Yan, Zhichun Li, et al., Stable and Flexible CuInS2/ZnS:Al-TiO2 Film for Solar-Light-Driven Photodegradation of Soil Fumigant, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 20048-20056. IF=7.504

10. 黄璐, 李志春, 持续注射法合成 InPZnS/ZnS 核壳结构量子点的研究,化学学报, 2017, 75, 300-306. (IF: 2.131)


1. 2017年,上海交通大学第二届研究生“学术之星”提名奖

2. 2016年,上海交通大学“乐陶奖学金”