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杜逸兴 厦门大学古雷石化研究院教授    


1981.091985.06  台湾高雄师范大学化学系本科生,获学学士学位

1985.091987.06  台湾大学化学研究所硕士生,获学硕士学位

1987.071992.06  台湾大学化学研究所博士生,获士学位

1992.101999.06  台湾工业技术研究院工业安全与卫生研究中心,研究员兼失控反应危害防制实验室负责人


1999.082016.11  台湾仁德医护管理专科学校(副教授,教授)







2016.012017.12奇美实业(全球 ABS 树脂最大生产公司):”热危害特性评估”执行顾问。



1.  Process Safety Progress, vol. 27, p.89-99, 2008. (SCI期刊封面特殊论文)

2.  2011: 入选Marquis Who‘s Who in the World (世界名人录)

3.  2019: 入选Marquis Who‘s Who in the World (终身成就奖)

4.         2019: 入选福建工程学院苍霞学者特聘教授(2019.2.22公示)

5.         2019: 入选福建省引进高层次ABC级人才(2019.07公示C级人才)





1. Yih-Shing Duh*, Xinzhong Liu, Xuepeng Jiang, Chen-Shan Kao, Lingzhu Gong, Ronghui Shi,Thermal kinetics on exothermic reactions of a commercial 18650 lithium-ion battery with LiCoO2 cathode and its components studied by calorimetry: A review, J. Energy Storage 30 (2020) 101422. (电动车用18650锂钴电池热失控特性综合评论)

2. Yih-Shing Duh, Jia-Huei Theng, Chia-Chi Chen, Chen-Shan Kao*, Comparative study on thermal runaway of commercial 14500, 18650 and 26650 LiFePO4 batteries used in electric vehicle, J. Energy Storage 31 (2020) 101580.  (三种商用圆柱形锂铁电池热失控特性探讨)

3. G.-D. Yu, J.-L. Li, L.-Z. Gong, Y.G. Chen, L.-F. Ni, L. Peng, Z.-W. Jiang, L.-B. Yang, Y.S. Duh*, Thermolysis and analysis of TDI char by supercritical methanol using TGA, DSC, IR and SEM, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. (2020) on-line publication. (TDI工厂固体残渣破坏研究)

4. Xiaodong Yang, Yongzhao Li, Yangqing Chen, Yuqi Li, Libo Dai, Ren Feng, Yih-Shing Duh, Case study on the catastrophic explosion of a chemical plant for production of m-phenylenediamine, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 104232 (2020). (江苏省2019响水大爆炸案例分析)

5. Y.S. Duh, Kai Hsuan Lin, C.S. Kao*, Experimental investigation and visualization on thermal runaway of  hard prismatic lithium-ion batteries used in smart phones, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 132, (2018) 1677-1692. (智能型手机Li 离子电池失控反应特性研究)

6. Y.S. Duh, C.S. Kao, W.L.W. Lee*, Chemical kinetics on thermal decompositions of dicumyl peroxide studied by calorimetry: An overview, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 127, issue1 (2017), 1089-1098. (DCPO热分解动力学综合评论)

7. Y.S. Duh, C.S. Kao, W.L.W. Lee*, Chemical kinetics on thermal decompositions of di-tert-butyl peroxide studied by calorimetry: An overview, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 127, issue1 (2017), 1071-1087.  (DTBP热分解动力学综合评论)

8. Y.S. Duh*, Chemical kinetics on thermal decompositions of cumene hydroperoxide in cumenestudied by  calorimetry: An overview, Thermochimi. Acta 637 (2016) 102-109. (CHP热分解动力学综合评论)

9. Y.S. Duh, M.T. Tsai, C.S. Kao*, Thermal runaway on 18650 lithium-ion batteries containing cathode materials with and without the coating of self-terminated oligomers with hyper-branched architecture (STOBA) used in electric vehicles, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 129, (3) (2017), p.1935-1948. (18650 Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

10. Y.S. Duh, H.Y. Kuo, C.S. Kao*, Characeterization on thermal decomposition of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) by confinement test, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 127 (1) (2017) 1047-1059. (有机过氧化物TBHP热分解动力学之研究)

11. Y.S. Duh, Y.L. Chen, C.S. Kao*, Thermal stability of ethylene carbonate reacted with delithiated cathode materials in lithium-ion batteries, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 127 (1) (2017) 995-1007. (Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

12. Y.S. Duh, M.T. Tsai, C.S. Kao*, Characeterization on the thermal runaway of commercial 18650 lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicle, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 127 (1) (2017) 983-993. (18650 Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

13. Y.S. Duh, C.Y. Lee, Y.L. Chen, C.S. Kao*, Characterization on the exothermic behaviors of cathode materials reacted with ethylene carbonate in lithium-ion battery studied by differential scanning calorimeter (DSC), Thermochimi. Acta 642 (2016) 88-94. (Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

14. Yih-Shing Duh, Jin-Min Yo, Wen-Lian Lee, Chen-Shan Kao, and Jing-Ming Hsu*, Thermal Decompositions of Dialkyl Peroxides Studied by DSC, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 118 (2014) 339-347. (有机过氧化物热分解动力学之研究)

15. Yih-Shing Duh, Wen-Fang Wang,  and Chen-Shan Kao*, Novel Validation on Pressure as a Determination of Onset Point for Exothermic Decomposition of DTBP,J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 116 (2014) 1233-1239. (有机过氧化物热分解动力学之研究)

16. Wei-Jie Ou, Yih-Shing Duh, Chen-Shan Kao, Jing-Ming Hsu*, Thermal Instability of Organic Carbonates with Discharged Cathode Materials in Lithium-ion Battery, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 116 (2014) 1111-1116. (Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

17. Yih-Shing Duh,Wei-Jie Ou, Chen-Shan Kao, Jing-Ming Hsu*, Thermal Instabilities of Organic Carbonates with Charged Cathode Materials in Lithium-ion Batteries, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 116 (2014) 1105-1110. (Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

18. Yi-Chun Li, Yih-Shing Duh, Jing-Ming Hsu, and Chen-Shan Kao*, Thermal Instability of Organic Esters and Ethers with Deposited Lithium in Lithium-ion Battery, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 116 (2014) 1219-1226. (Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

19. Tsai Ying Hsieh, Yih-Shing Duh, and Chen-Shan Kao*, Evaluation of Thermal Hazard for Commercial 14500 Lithium-ion Batteries, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 116 (2014) 1491-1495. (14500 Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

20. Yu-Yun Sun, Tsai-Ying Hsieh, Yih-Shing Duh, and Chen-Shan Kao*, Thermal Behaviors of Electrolytes in Lithium-ion Batteries Determined by Differential Scanning Calorimeter, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.116 (2014) 1175-1179. (Li 离子电池火灾爆炸与失控反应特性研究)

21. J.M. Tseng, S.T. Huang, Y.S. Duh, T.Y. Hsieh, Y.Y. Sun, J.Z. Lin, H.C. Wu and C.S. Kao*, Thermal analysis and safety information for metal nanopowders, Thermochimica Acta, 566 (2013) 257-260. (奈米金属粉热危害特性研究)

22. Jing-Ming Hsu, Mao-Sheng Su, Chiao-Ying Huang and Yih-Shing Duh*, Calorimetic Studies and Lessons on Fires and Explosions of a chemical Plant Producing CHP and DCPO, J. Hazard. Materials, 217-218 (2012) 19-29.  (彰滨工业区 南宝化工CHP工艺爆炸事故案例分析)

23. S. T. Huang, Y. S. Duh, T. Y. Hsieh, Y. Y. Sun, J. M. Tseng, J. Z. Lin, H. –C. Wu and C. S. Kao, Thermal analysis for nano powders of iron and zinc by DSC, Procedia Engineering 45 (2012) 518-522. (奈米金属粉体火灾爆炸特性研究)

24. Yih-Shing Duh* ,Ta-Cheng Ho, Jenq-Renn Chen and Chen-Shan Kao*, Study on Exothermic Oxidation of Acrylonnitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) Resin Powder with Application to  ABS Processing Safety,  Polymers, 2(2010) 174-187. (南韩ABS基本粉重大化学灾害事故案例分析)

25. Yih-Wen Wang, Yih-Shing Duh and Chi-Min Shu* ” Thermal Runaway Hazards of the tert-Butylhydroperoxide by Calorimetric Studies”,  J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 95 (2009) 553-557. (有机过氧化物TBHP反应危害研究)

26. Houng-Yi Hou, Yih-Shing Duh, W. –L. Lee, and Chi-Min Shu*.”  Hazard Evaluation for Redox System of Cumene Hydroperoxide Mixed with Inorganic Alkaline Solutions”, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 95 (2009) 541-545. (有机过氧化物CHP反应危害研究)

27. Yih-Shing Duh, Kwan-Hua Hu, Jy-Cheng Chang and Chen-Shan Kao *, ”Visualization of Emergency  Viscous Two-phase  Venting Behaviors”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries , 22 (2009) 145-152. (化工工艺黏性流体紧急排放特性研究)

28. Chin-Chun Chen, Yih-Shing Duh* and Chi-Min Shu “Thermal Polymerization of Uninhibited Styrene Investigated by Using Microcalorimetry ”, J. Hazard. Materials, 163 (2009) 1385-1390. (苯乙烯热聚合特性研究)

29. Kwan-Hua Hu, Chen-Shan Kao and Yih-Shing Duh*, “Studies on the Runaway Reaction of ABS Polymerization Process”, J. Hazard. Materials, 159 (2008) 25-34. (ABS工艺热失控特性研究)

30. Yih-Shing Duh, Xiao Hui Wu  and Chen-Shan Kao*, “ Hazard Ratings for Organic Peroxides”, Process Safety Progress, 27 (2008) 89-99.(封面特殊论文)    (有机过氧化物反应危害评估)

31. R.H. Chang, C.M.Shu, Y.S. Duh, J.M. Jehng,  Calorimetric studies on the thermal hazard of methyl ethyl ketone peroxide with incompatible substances, J. Hazard. Materials, 141 (3) (2007) 762-768.  (有机过氧化物MEKPO反应危害评估)

32. Yih-Wen Wang, Yih-Shing Duh and Chi-Min Shu* ” Characterization of the self-reactive decomposition of tert-butyl hydroperoxide in three diluents”, Process Safety Progress, 26 (2007) 299-303.   (有机过氧化物TBHP反应危害评估)

33. D.J. Peng, Yih-Shing Duh, Chi-Min Shu “Wet bench reactive hazards of cleaning stages in semiconductor manufacturing processes”, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries16 (6) (2006) 743-753. (半导体芯片工艺过程洗涤液反应危害评估)

34. Yih-Wen Wang, Chi-Min Shu and Yih-Shing Duh* ” Evaluation of Adiabatic Runaway Reaction and Vent Sizing for Emergency Relief from DSC”J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 85 (2006)225-234. (DSC技术应用于反应危害评估)

35. Houng-Yi Hou, Yih-Shing Duh, Wen-Huang Lin, and Chi-Min Shu*.” Reactive Hazard of Cumene Hydroperoxide Incompatibility mixed with Alkaline Solutions”, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim.85 (2006) 145-150. (CHP反应危害评估)

36. Houng-Yi Hou, Tsang-Sheng Liao, Yih-Shing Duh, and Chi-Min Shu*.” Thermal Hazard Studies for Dicumyl Peroxide by DSC and TAM”, J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 83 (2006) 167-171. (DCPO反应危害评估)

37. Chia-Chun Liao, Yih-Shing Duh, Jing-Huei Tzeng, and Chi-Min Shu*.” Novel Determination of the Dimerization Mechanism for the Thermal Polymerization  of α-Methylstyrene.”,  J. Therm. Anal. Calorim. 83 (2006) 75-78. (α-Methylstyrene热聚合特性研究)

38. Po-Yin Yeh, Chi-Min Shu* ,and Yih-Shing  Duh , “Thermal  Hazard Analysis  of Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 42 (2003) 1-5. (MEKPO反应危害评估) 

39. Chen-Shan Kao* , Yih-Shing Duh ,Thomas J. H. Chen, and S. W. Yu “An Index –based  Method for Assessing Exothermic Runaway Risk ”, Process Safety Progress 21(4) (2002) 294-304. (反应危害风险等级研究)

40. Chen-Shan Kao* and Yih-Shing  Duh,” Accident Investigation of an ABS Plant”,  Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 15 (2002) 223-232.  (石化Silo区巨大尘爆事故分析)  

41. Houng-Yi Hou, Chi-Min Shu* , and Yih-Shing  Duh, ”Exothermic Decomposition of Cumene Hydroperoxide at Low Temperature Conditions ”, AIChE Journal, 47 (2001) 1893-1896.  (CHP低温放热特性研究)

42. Yih-Wen  Wang, Chi-Min Shu* ,Yih-Shing  Duh and Chen-Shan Kao, “Thermal Runaway Hazards of Cumene Hydroperoxide with Contaminants”, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 40 (2001) 1125-1132.(CHP不兼容性危害评估)

43. Yih-Shing Duh*, Chen-Shan Kao, Her-Huah Hwang and William W. L. Lee, “Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Cumene Hydroperoxide”, Trans. IChemE, Part B (Process Safety and Environmental Protection), 76 (4) (1998) 271-276.  (CHP热分解动力学研究)

44. Ho, T. C. Y.-S. Duh*, and J. R. Chen, “Case Studies of Incidents in Runaway Reactions and Emergency Relief ”,  Process Safety Progress,17 (1998) 259-262.  (台湾化工业热失控与紧急排放失效案例分析)

45. Chun-Yu Chen*, Chia-Wei Wu, Yih-Shig Duh and S. W. Yu, “An Experimental Study of Worst Case Scenarios of Nitric Acid Decomposition in Toluene Nitration Process”, Trans. IChemE, Part B (Process Safety and Environmental Protection), 76 (3) (1998) 211-216. (硝化工艺热失控特性研究)

46. Y.-S. Duh*, C. Lee, C.-C. Hsu, D.-R. Hwang, and C.-S. Kao, “Chemical incompatibility of nitrocompounds”, J. Hazard. Materials, 53 (1997) 183-194, 1997. (硝化物不兼容性特性研究)

47. Y.-S. Duh*, C.-S. Kao, C. Lee and S. W. Yu, “Runaway Hazard Assessment of Cumene Hydroperoxide from the Cumene Oxidation Process”, Trans. IChemE Part B, (Process Safety and Environmental Protection), 75 (1997) 73-80. (CHP制造工艺反应危害评估)

48. Y.-S. Duh*, C. C. Hsu, C. S. Kao and S. W. Yu, “Application of Reaction Calorimetry in Reaction Kinetics and Assessment of Thermal Hazards,” Thermochimica Acta, 285 (1995) 67-79. (RC1的放热动力学研究)