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课题组硕士研究生王安平在Carbon上发表论文《Aramid nanofiber framework supporting graphene nanoplate via wet-spinning for a high-performance filament》



石墨烯基纤维由于具有优异的导电性和轻量化等优点,有望成为新一代的柔性导线。目前所面临的挑战是,对于低氧化程度的石墨烯,尽管其拥有良好的导电性能,但由于石墨烯片层之间强烈的相互作用导致在溶液中的分散很差,无法将石墨烯组装成宏观纤维。目前,尽管有多种不同的方法来改善石墨烯的分散性和可加工性,但其工艺过程往往是复杂的,相应的纤维也比较脆弱。在此基础上,本工作选择了具有优异的纳米级分散性以及高力学性能的芳纶纳米纤维(ANFs)作为石墨烯纳米片(GNPs)的辅助分散剂,利用两者在溶剂中的非共价相互作用和ANFs产生静电排斥力来实现GNPs的良好分散。最后,通过简单的湿法纺丝直接制备出GNPs/ ANFs复合导电纤维,其中80%GNPs/ANFs纤维的电导率为~4236 S/m,拉伸强度为~227.5 MPa,断裂生长率为~10.2%。此外,得益于ANFs的引入,该复合纤维不仅具有可靠的柔韧性,还能承受超过400 ℃的高温。这项工作为组装新型的柔性导线提供了一种策略,并且这种方法比较容易实现大规模的生产,在可穿戴设备中具有潜在的应用价值。

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the preparationprocedures of GNPs/ANFs fibers.

Fig. 2. (a) To get a better performance by balancing theadvantages and disadvantages of GNPs and ANFs. Cross-section SEM images ofhybrid fibers with different ratios of GNPs to ANFs: (b) Pure ANFs fiber, (c)20%GNPs/ANFs, (d) 40%GNPs/ANFs, (e) 60%GNPs/ANFs, (f) 80%GNPs/ANFs, (g)90%GNPs/ANFs. The resolutions from left to right become increasingly higher.

Fig. 3. (a) A letter “U” pattern was woven by GNPs/ANFsfibers on cotton. (b) A photograph of knitting a 100 mg ring by GNPs/ANFs fibers. (c) Demonstration of high mechanical strength of hybrid fibers: lift a 500 g weight with a 100 mg fiber ring. (d) Stress–strain curves of differentGNPs/ANFs fibers. (e) Tensile strength and Young’s modulus of composite fiberswith different GNPs contents. (f) Elongation and toughness of hybrid fiberscorresponding to different proportion of GNPs.

Fig. 4. (a) The electrical conductivity of hybrid fiberswith different proportion of GNPs. (b) Resistance ratio (R/R0) of GNPs/ANFscomposite fibers after repetitive folding cycles. The inset digital imagesillustrate the folded sample. (c) Light a LED bulb with GNPs/ANFs fibers undera bending of natural state, 90° and 180°.




