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Pursuit of the correlation between yield strength and crystallinity in sintering-molded UHMWPE



      对于半晶聚合物,结晶度 (Xc)作为一个重要的结构参数,与材料的力学性能紧密相关。然而对于超高分子量聚乙烯 (UHMWPE),由于极高的缠结密度,在烧结成型中很难有效调控UHMWPE的Xc范围。本工作中,通过减少UHMWPE初生粉末中的缠结,降低烧结温度,以及等温结晶后处理的方式,成功调控制品的Xc范围从29%至65%。通过研究结晶结构与力学强度的关系,可以发现UHMWPE和高密度聚乙烯 (HDPE) 制品中屈服强度与Xc之间具有良好的线性关系,而且在UHMWPE中由Xc提升引起的力学增强效率是高于HDPE的。通过一系列结构表征,可以发现这要归因于二者晶相以及非晶相微观结构之间的差异,本工作对制备结晶调控高性能UHMWPE制品具有重要意义。



Fig. 1. (a) SEM images, (b) DSC thermograms, (c) Rheological curves of UHMWPE nascent powders, (d) Tmand Xc as a function of isothermal duration (tc) for both of l-UPE and com-UPE,  (e,f) Crystalline morphologies of samples sintered at Ts = 190 ℃ and tc= 540 min, (g) Elastic modulus versus frequency of the l-UPE samples sintered at Ts = 170 ℃ and Ts = 220 ℃, (h) Tand Xc as a function of isothermal duration (tc)for l-UPE sintered sample, (i,j) Crystalline morphologies of l-UPE samples sintered at differentTs and tc = 540 min,(k,l) Yield strength as a function of Xc and Tfor all the sintered samples of different nascent powders, Tstc and MWs and (m) Correlations between yield strengthand Xc of the sintered UHMWPE and HDPE (data obtained from this work denoted by filled symbols and the literatures as half filled symbols)

Fig. 2. (a) Lorentz-corrected intensity profiles I(q)q2as a function of the scattering vector, q, of the l-UPE and HDPE samples sintered at 170 ℃, (b) Raman spectra of the l-UPE and HDPE samples sintered at 170 ℃ and isothermally crystallized at 124 ℃, (c) Elastic modulus versus frequency of the l-UPE and HDPE samples sintered at Ts= 170 ℃ and (d) Graphic illustration


    相关成果以“Pursuit of the correlation between yield strength and crystallinity in sintering-molded UHMWPE” 发表在Polymer (Polymer, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2020.123352)上。四川大学高分子学院的董澎博士为本论文的第一作者,通讯作者为四川大学高分子学院的傅强教授和王柯教授。感谢国家自然科学基金(No. 51973139) 和科技部国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFC1107004) 对本工作的支持!



