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Structure-Based Discovery of N-Sulfonylpiperidine-3-carboxamides as Novel Capsid Assembly Modulators for Potent Inhibition of HBV Replication

Structure-Based Discovery of N-Sulfonylpiperidine-3-carboxamides as Novel Capsid Assembly Modulators for Potent Inhibition of HBV Replication


As a key element during HBV replication, a nucleocapsid is considered a promising target for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B. The present study aimed to identify small molecules as novel capsid assembly modulators with antiviral activity. Structure-based virtual screening of an integrated compound library led to the identification of several types of HBV inhibitors. Among these inhibitors, N-sulfonylpiperidine-3-carboxamides (SPCs) potently reduced the amount of secreted HBV DNA. Through structure–activity relationship studies, we identified an SPC derivative, namely, C-39, which exhibited the highest antiviral activity without causing cytotoxicity. Mechanism studies showed that C-39 dose-dependently inhibited the formation of HBV capsid, synthesis of cccDNA, e antigen (HBeAg), viral pregenomic RNA (pgRNA), and HBV DNA levels, thereby restraining HBV replication. In summary, SPCs represent a new class of capsid assembly modulators. Further optimization of SPCs is expected to obtain new antiviral drugs against HBV infection.

Keywords: hepatitis B virus; core protein; capsid; assembly modulator; antiviral activity

关键词:乙型肝炎病毒;  核心蛋白; 衣壳; 组装抑制剂; 抗病毒活性

Full text: https://www.mdpi.com/1999-4915/14/2/348 

Schematic depiction of the primary screening workflow(核衣壳抑制剂筛选流程


Yang Yang(杨泱), Yu Yan(严宇), Jiaxin Yin, Jie Hu, Xuefei Cai, Jieli Hu, Jie Xia, Kai Wang, Ni Tang, and Luyi Huang. 2022. "Structure-Based Discovery of N-Sulfonylpiperidine-3-carboxamides as Novel Capsid Assembly Modulators for Potent Inhibition of HBV Replication" Viruses 14, no. 2: 348. https://doi.org/10.3390/v14020348