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刘斌 副研究员    


工学博士,副研究员。研究方向主要集中在核反应堆屏蔽设计、源项分析与放射性探测及成像技术方面,主持及参与装备发展部、军委科技委等项目若干项,在核领域重点期刊Annals of Nuclear Energy,Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A, Nuclear Engineering and Technology等杂志发表论文多篇。


2005.09-2009.07        四川大学,物理学,理学学士学位

2010.09-2015.12        西安交通大学,核科学与技术,工学博士学位














1. Bin Liu*, Yi Tan, Futing Jing, Guang Hu, Mingfei Yan; Study on multi-objective optimization for nuclear reactor radiation shield design coupling genetic algorithm with paralleling discrete ordinate code; Frontiers in Energy Research, 21(1), 2022.

2. Bin Liu*, Huanwen Lv, Lan Li, Xiaoming Chai*, Hu Xu*, Yi Tan, Bangyang Xia*, Cong Chen; Multi-objective optimization design of radiation shadow shield for space nuclear power with genetic algorithm; Frontiers in Energy Research, 17(1), 2022.

3. Bin Liu*, Huanwen Lv, Hu Xu*, Lan Li, Yi Tan, Bangyang Xia, Wei Li, Futing Jing, Ting Liu, Bochen Huang; A novel coded aperture for γ-ray imaging based on compressed sensing; Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A; 1021, 1659591-1659597, 2022.

4. Bin Liu*, Huanwen Lv, Hu Xu, Lan Li, Wei Li*, Futing Jing, Zi’an Zhai, Yirui Wu; Study on neutron spectrum unfolding method of organic scintillation measurement based on iterative regularization; Annals of Nuclear Energy, 162, 1080541-1080546, 2021.

5. Bin Liu*, Huanwen Lv, Lan Li, Bo Yang, Fengshou Zhang, Hao Chen; Study on iterative regularization method and application to neutron spectrum unfolding of multi-sphere spectrometer measurement; Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A, 992, 1650271-1650277, 2021.

6. Bin Liu*, Hongrun Yang, Huanwen Lv, Lan Li, Xilong Gao, Jianping Zhu, Futing Jing; A method of X-ray source spectrum estimation from measurements based on compressed sensing; Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 52(7), 1495-1502, 2020.

7. Bin Liu*, Hongrun Yang, Huanwen Lv, Lan Li, Futing Jing, Jiajia Liu, Sheng Wang; Neutron spectrum unfolding of the multiple activation foils based on sparse representation; Annals of Nuclear Energy, 135, 1069471-10694716, 2020.

8. Bin Liu*, Hongrun Yang, Huanwen Lv, Futing Jing, Xilong Gao, Mingfei Yan; A deconvolution method for scintillator gamma-ray spectrum analysis based on convex optimization. Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A, 957, 163991-163995, 2020.

9. Bin Liu*, Hongrun Yang, Huanwen Lv, Lan Li, Jiajia Liu, Futing Jing, Mingfei Yan; Study on unfolding method of neutron spectrum of BSS (Bonner Sphere Spectrometer) based on compressed sensing; Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A, 925, 217-222, 2019.

10. Bin Liu, Huasi Hu*, Hetong Han, Huanwen Lv, Lan Li; Optimization of the design of Gas Cherenkov Detectors for ICF diagnosis; Nuclear Inst. And Methods in Physics Research, A, 897, 54-58, 2018.

11. Bin Liu, Huasi Hu*, Tiankui Zhang, Xingyin Guan; Study on Geant4 simulation of GRH system and multiple-objective optimization of optical reflector system with genetic algorithm; Fusion Science and Technology, 66(3), 405-413, 2014.

12. 刘斌*,胡华四,吕焕文,肖锋; 氘氚聚变反应历史测量系统优化设计及亚纳秒信号恢复方法研究; 原子能科学技术, 51(4), 713-716, 2017.

13. 刘斌*,胡华四,吕焕文,李兰; Geant4接续计算方法以及在GRH系统优化设计中的应用; 核技术, 40(7), 070401, 2017.

14. 刘斌*,吕焕文,李兰,唐松乾; 水下Co-60源切伦科夫辐射的蒙卡模拟; 强激光与粒子束, 30(1), 016007, 2018.

15. 刘斌*,李兰,吕焕文,肖锋,景福庭,应栋川,魏述平,唐松乾,杨俊云; 压水堆一回路反冲质子GEANT4模拟; 核技术, 41(4), 04064, 2014.

16. 杨俊云*,李兰,吕焕文,谭怡,肖锋,景福庭,唐松乾,刘斌; 反应堆二次中子源参数计算方法; 核技术, 4(6), 060605, 2018.

17. 应栋川*,谭怡,肖锋,吕焕文,刘嘉嘉,景福庭,邓理邻,唐松乾,张宏越,刘斌; 三维离散纵标方法在反应堆精细屏蔽计算中的应用研究; 核科学与工程, 37(5), 756, 2017.

18. 刘斌,胡华四*,胡光,张凤娜; 聚变时间诊断过程快响应闪烁体Geant4模拟; 第一届全国辐射物理学术会议,辐射物理青年论文奖,陕西省西安市,2014.