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何辉 博士 讲师     进组时间: 2011.09    离组时间: 2016.12











       1.      反应堆热工水力及安全分析

      2.      两相流动与传热

      3.      功能材料两相沸腾传热强化应用


1.     Danwei Zhang , Win Jonhson, Tun Seng Herng, Yong Quan Ang, Lin Yang, Swee Ching Tan, Erwin Peng*, Hui He*, Jun Ding*, 3D-Printing Method of Fabrication for Metals, Ceramics, and Multi-Materials through Universal Self-Curable Technique for RobocastingMaterial Horizons2020. (IF=14.36, top journal)

2.     Hui He*, Liang-ming pan*, Lie Wei, Mu-hao Zhang, Ding-fei Zhang, On the Importance of Non-Equilibrium Effect in Microchannel Two-Phase Boiling Flow, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 149, 2020, 119185. (IF=4.34, top journal)

3.     Hui He*, Liang-ming pan*, Quan-yao Ren, Ting-pu Ye, Ding-fei Zhang, Local liquid film behavior of annular two-phase flow on rod-bundle geometry-I. Experimental phenomenon and analysis, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 141, 2019, 58-70.

4.     Hui He*, Liang-ming pan*, Quan-yao Ren, Ting-pu Ye, Ding-fei Zhang, Local liquid film behavior of annular two-phase flow on rod-bundle geometry-II. Modeling and verification, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 143, 2019, 118533.

5.     Hui He, Liang-ming pan*, Hao-jie Huang, Run-gang Yan, Rupture of thin liquid film based premature critical heat flux prediction in microchannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,125, 2018, 933–942.

6.     Hui He, Peng-fei Li, Run-gang Yan, Liang-ming Pan*, Modeling of reversal flow and pressure fluctuation in rectangular microchannel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 102: 1024-1033.

7.     Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, The influences of gas–liquid interfacial properties on interfacial shear stress for vertical annular flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 89: 1172-1183.

8.     Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, Experimental study and modeling of disturbance wave height of vertical annular flow. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 89: 165-175.

9.     Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Yao Wu, De-qi Chen, An analytic model of pool boiling critical heat flux on an immerged downward facing curved surface. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2015, 289:73-80. (IF=1.54)

10.  Hui He*, Yao Wu, Quan-yao Ren, Lie Wei, Liang-ming pan*, Circumferential incoherent distribution of film thickness for multi-dimensional two-phase annular flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020, under review.

11.  Hui He*, Yao Wu, Quan-yao Ren, Lie Wei, Liang-ming pan*, Turbulence-Induced Interfacial Wave on Liquid Film of Annular Flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020, under review.

International Conference paper:

12.  N-Y Zeng, Hui He* et al., Liquid film thickness in rod-bundle and its behavior in annular flow, WORTH-9, Chongqing, 2019.

13.  Hui He* et al., On the Importance of Non-Equilibrium Effect in Microchannel Two-Phase Boiling Flow, International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Rio de Janeiro, 2019.

14.  Hui He* et al., Experimental analysis of local liquid film of annular two-phase flow on rod-bundle geometry, International Workshop on Nuclear Safety and Severe Accident, Chengdu, 2018.

15.  Hui He et al, THE PROPAGATION OF DISTURBANCE WAVE IN UPWARD VERTICAL AIR-WATER ANNULAR FLOW, 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics-2017, Xi’an, China.

16.  Hui He, Void Fraction Characteristics of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Complex Geometry Structure, MPSEED, 2017, Guiyang, China (Invited report).

17.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Yao Wu, Takashi Hibiki, Lie Wei , Mamoru IshiiDisturbance Wave Properties in Two-Phase Gas–Liquid Upward Vertical Annular Flow. 7th China -Korea Workshop on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, 2015, Kunming, China. (Best poster)

18.  Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Yao Wu, Peng Ju, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, Experimental Study of Pressure Drop and Modeling of Interfacial Shear in Vertical Annular Flow, 16th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics-2015, Chicago, USA.

19.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Wu Yao, De-qi Chen, Analysis of the effect of flow instability in forced circulation on critical heat flux, 23th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering -2015, Chiba, Japan.

20.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Analysis of the Availability of In-vessel Retention of Molten Core Debris Strategy for AP1000, 22th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering -2014, Prague, Czech Republic. (Best paper)

21.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Study on the Influence of Safety Injection Rate on the Process of SBLOCA, 21th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering -2013, ChengDu, China.

Domestic Papers:

22.  Hui He*, Quanyao Ren et al., Properties of Incoherent Distributed Liquid Film Thickness for Annular Flow in Rod BundleNuclear Power Engineering, 2020, under review.

23.  Hui He*, Yao Wu et al., Turbulence Inducing the Formation Mechanism of Disturbance Wave on Liquid Film of Annular Flow, Nuclear Power Engineering, 2020, accepted.

24.  N-Y Zeng, Hui He* et al., Development and validation of liquid film thickness model of annular two phase flow on rod-bundle geometry, Annual Meeting of Nuclear Reactor System Design Key Laboratory-2019GuangzhouChina.

25.  Hui He* et al., Measurement and analysis of local liquid film of annular two-phase flow on rod-bundle geometry, Annual Meeting of Nuclear Reactor System Design Key Laboratory-2018Chendu, China.

26.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Quanyao Ren, Muhao Zhang, Rungang Yan, Two-phase flow local parameter measurements in bubbly-slug flow transition region. Heat and Mass Transfer Session Conference-2016, Beijing, China.

27.   Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Yao Wu, Takashi Hibiki, Lie Wei, Mamoru Ishii, Experimental Study of Disturbance Wave Properties in Two-Phase Gas–Liquid Upward Vertical Annular Flow. Annual Meeting of Nuclear Reactor System Design Key Laboratory-2015, Chengdu, China.

28.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, Yao Wu, Takashi Hibiki, Mamoru Ishii, Evaluation of the interfacial velocity model in two-phase gas–liquid upward vertical annular flow. 14th Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulic Annual Meeting-2015, Beijing, China.

29.  Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Yao Wu, Xingbin Zhou, Mamoru Ishii, Experimental Investigation of Liquid Film in Two-Phase Gas–Liquid Upward Vertical Annular Flow. Annual Meeting of Nuclear Reactor System Design Key Laboratory-2015, Chengdu, China.

30.  Liang-ming Pan*, Hui He, Peng Ju, Yao Wu, Hongbo Liu, Mamoru Ishii, Development of Liquid Film Model in Two-Phase Gas–Liquid Upward Vertical Annular Flow. Annual Meeting of Nuclear Reactor System Design Key Laboratory-2015, Chengdu, China.

31.  Hui He, Liang-ming Pan*, De-qi Chen, Analysis model of critical heat flux on downward facing curved for pool boiling. CIESC Journal, 2014, 65. (EI indexed)


32.  Hui He* et al., A conductivity-based technique to measure local liquid film thickness of annular flow in complex geometry, 2019, 201910597809X. (published)

33.  Hui He* et al., Electrowetting-induced heat transfer enhancement and flow instability suppression method in microchannel two-phase boiling flow, 2019, 201911099534.3. (published)