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2020.03.16: 课题组合作在Nature Communications(Nature子刊)发表论文

贾艳敏教授合作论文"压电催化用于牙齿美白”2020年3月13日发表在<Nature Communciations> (11,1328,2020)。 题目为"Piezo-catalysis for nondestructive tooth whitening" 该工作与南京理工大学汪尧进教授、上海师范大学王飞飞教授、北京大学医学部等单位合作完成。Media link 1】【Media link 2

Fig. 1 Piezo-catalysis effect and working principle for tooth whitening. a Illustration of mechanical vibration between toothbrush and teeth during daily toothbrushing. The traditional abrasive-based toothpaste method, where tooth whitening is realized by the mechanical friction between teeth and abrasive. c The proposed piezo-catalysis effect-based tooth whitening method wherein piezoelectric particles replace traditional abrasive in the toothpaste, to generate reactive oxygen species via piezo-catalysis to bleach tooth stains. The detailed mechanism of piezo-catalysis effect, i.e., d the original electrostatic balance state of a poled piezoelectric material; e the release of screening charges under compressive stress, which combine with water molecules and then produce reactive species; f the modified electrostatic balance state under maximum compressive stress; g the adsorption of charges from the surrounding electrolyte under reduced compressive stress. The charges in the electrolyte with opposite polarity to the adsorbed charges will participate in the redox reaction to produce reactive species.