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胡憾石 副教授    

Contact Information

Office                       Room S-523, Mong Man Wai Building of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University

Telephone                +86-10-62789229

E-mail                       hshu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn


2006 -- 2011          Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University -- Ph.D. Degree of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

2002 -- 2006          Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University -- Bachelor's Degree of Chemistr

Professional Experience

2017 -- present         Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University

2015 -- 2017             Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The University of Manchester

2012 -- 2015             Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

2011 -- 2012             Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Physics, Tsinghua University

Representative Papers

1. Wang, Z.-L.#; Chen, T.#; Chen, W.-J.; Li, W.-L.; Zhao, J.; Jiang, X.-L.; Li, J.; Wang, L.-S.*; Hu, H.-S.* The Smallest 4f-Metalla-Aromatic Molecule of Cyclo-PrB2- with Pr-B Multiple Bonds. Chemical Science 2022, DOI: 10.39/D2SC02852B.

2. Cao, C.; Hu, J.; Zhang, W.; Xu, X.; Chen, D.; Yu, F.; Li, J.; Hu, H.-S.*; Lv, D.*; Yung, M.-H.* Progress toward larger molecular simulation on a quantum computer: Simulating a system with up to 28 qubits accelerated by point-group symmetry. Physical Review A 2022, 105 (6), 062452.

3. Zhao, X.-K.; Cao, C.-S.; Liu, J.-C.; Lu, J.-B.; Li, J.; Hu, H.-S.* Theoretical prediction of a graphene-like 2D uranyl material with p-orbital antiferromagnetism. Chemical Science 2022, 13, 8518-8525.

4. Wang, G.#; Zhao, J.#; Hu, H.-S.*; Li, J.; Zhou, M.* Formation and Characterization of BeFe(CO)4− Anion with Beryllium−Iron Bonding. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2021, 60 (17), 9334-9338.

5. Xiao, Y.#; Zhao, X.-K.#; Wu, T.; Miller, J. T.; Hu, H.-S.*; Li, J.; Huang, W.*; Diaconescu, P. L.* Distinct electronic structures and bonding interactions in inverse-sandwich samarium and ytterbium biphenyl complexes. Chemical Science 2021, 12 (1), 227-238.

6. Zheng, Y.; Cao, C.-S.; Ma, W.; Chen, T.; Wu, B.; Yu, C.; Huang, Z.; Yin, J.; Hu, H.-S.*; Li, J.; et al. 2-Butene Tetraanion Bridged Dinuclear Samarium(III) Complexes via Sm(II)-Mediated Reduction of Electron-Rich Olefins. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2020, 142 (24), 10705-10714.

7. Wang, J.-Q.#; Chi, C.#; Hu, H.-S.*; Li, X.; Luo, M.; Li, J.; Zhou, M.* Multiple Bonding Between Group 3 Metals and Fe(CO)3. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2020, 59 (6), 2344-2348.

8. Chi, C.; Wang, J.-Q.; Hu, H.-S.*; Zhang, Y.-Y.; Li, W.-L.; Meng, L.; Luo, M.; Zhou, M.*; Li, J.* Quadruple bonding between iron and boron in the BFe(CO)3 complex. Nature Communications 2019, 10 (1), 4713.

9. Kang, X.-M.; Hu, H.-S.*; Wu, Z.-L.; Wang, J.-Q.; Cheng, P.; Li, J.*; Zhao, B.* An Ultrastable Matryoshka [Hf13] Nanocluster as a Luminescent Sensor for Concentrated Alkali and Acid. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 58 (46), 16610-16616.

10. Xu, H.; Cao, C.-S.; Hu, H.-S.*; Wang, S.-B.; Liu, J.-C.; Cheng, P.; Kaltsoyannis, N.*; Li, J.; Zhao, B.* High Uptake of ReO4 and CO2 Conversion by a Radiation-Resistant Thorium–Nickle [Th48Ni6] Nanocage-Based Metal–Organic Framework. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 2019, 58 (18), 6022-6027.