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恭喜赵毅的文章在ACS Appl. Energy Mater.上发表


Crystalline Intermarriage of Hybrid Organic–Inorganic Halide Perovskite and Epoxide: Enhanced Stability and Modified Optical Properties


Stability is one of the major issues for hybrid organic–inorganic halide perovskites. In the organic aspect, increased hydrophobicity can be beneficial to the enhanced stability. Different from the previous R group hydrophobic modification in an organic R-NH3+ cation, herein, NH3+ modification using epoxide is reported to improve the stability of hybrid halide perovskites. We integrate the chiral propylene oxide (PO) into HDAPbI4 (HDA = 1,6-hexamethylenediamine) through the grafting of PO onto HDA. The −NH3+ hydrophobic modification is very favorable for stability improvement. As a result, the resultant (R/S-PO-HDA)PbI4 thin film is stable in water for more than 1 h, whereas the untreated HDAPbI4 thin film decomposes immediately. Moreover, (R/S-PO-HDA)PbI4 could keep the photoelectricity of HDAPbI4 and the chirality of PO. This work could inspire further study on the perovskite-based epoxide polymer.

