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gromacs top file modification for rest2 and others

From https://gitlab.com/KomBioMol/gromologist#preparing-rest2-topologies


Gromologist is a package designed to facilitate handling, editing and manipulating GROMACS topology files (.top and .itp), as well as compatible structures (.pdb and .gro).

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The latest "official" release can be obtained directly through pip by typing pip install gromologist.

To get the latest development version, first locally clone the git repo (git clone https://gitlab.com/KomBioMol/gromologist.git), then install the package into Python by typing pip install . in the main Gromologist directory. If you're using Anaconda, the same will work with /path/to/anaconda/bin/pip.

Note that Gromologist has no explicit dependencies, although a few specific functionalities will require basic scientific libraries such as numpy or sklearn.