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粗粒化模拟 OpenMM,Amber,Gromacs,Genesis

SBMOpenMM: A builder of Structure-Based Models for OpenMM


Different granularities for the models can be selected as All-heavy-Atom and alpha-carbon representations

These basic models can also be extended to multi-basin potentials employing more than one input configuration. 

Here, shared native contacts are modeled with special Gaussian functions to allow for more than one equilibrium distance.

Basic tutorials

01 - Coarse grained SBM simulations

02 - Coarse grained SBM simulations

03 - Estimating the folding temperature

04 - Estimating free energy profiles

05 - Setting up a multi-basin SBM

Martini Force Field http://www.cgmartini.nl/index.php

Siruh Force Field http://www.sirahff.com/2012/06/sirah-forcefield.html  (can be used to study PTM 

"Post-Translational Modifications at the Coarse-Grained Level with the SIRAH Force Field" )

Genesis residule lelvel coarse-grained force field https://www.r-ccs.riken.jp/labs/cbrt/tutorials2019/tutorial-18-1/

HPS-SS-model(Cα-based helix assignment rules)


COncentration-dependent COarse-grained MOdel ()


ff_param = {'ALA': {'mass':  71.079, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.2845, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'ARG': {'mass': 157.197, 'charge':  1.0, 'radius': 0.3567, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'ASN': {'mass': 114.104, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3150, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'ASP': {'mass': 114.080, 'charge': -1.0, 'radius': 0.3114, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'CYS': {'mass': 103.139, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3024, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'GLN': {'mass': 128.131, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3311, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'GLU': {'mass': 128.107, 'charge': -1.0, 'radius': 0.3279, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'GLY': {'mass':  57.052, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.2617, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'HIS': {'mass': 137.142, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3338, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'ILE': {'mass': 113.160, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3360, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'LEU': {'mass': 113.160, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3363, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'LYS': {'mass': 129.183, 'charge':  1.0, 'radius': 0.3439, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'MET': {'mass': 131.193, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3381, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'PHE': {'mass': 147.177, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3556, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'PRO': {'mass':  98.125, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3187, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'SER': {'mass':  87.078, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.2927, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'THR': {'mass': 101.105, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3108, 'epsilon': 0.40, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'TRP': {'mass': 186.214, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3754, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'TYR': {'mass': 163.176, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3611, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'VAL': {'mass':  99.133, 'charge':  0.0, 'radius': 0.3205, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.00}, 
            'ADE': {'mass': 315.697, 'charge': -1.0, 'radius': 0.4220, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'CYT': {'mass': 305.200, 'charge': -1.0, 'radius': 0.4110, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'GUA': {'mass': 345.200, 'charge': -1.0, 'radius': 0.4255, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.05}, 
            'URA': {'mass': 305.162, 'charge': -1.0, 'radius': 0.4090, 'epsilon': 0.41, 'azero': 0.05}} 

Complexes consists of two separate programs: https://github.com/bio-phys/complexespp

  • complexes++ a Monte-Carlo engine to run simulations
  • pycomplexes* a helper toolbox to setup and visualize simulations


CG2AT2: an Enhanced Fragment-Based Approach for Serial Multi-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations
