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Automatically setup MD simulations with programs自动生成输入MD模拟文件

Full automation of relative protein-ligand binding free energy calculations in GROMACS with BAR

The Binding Affinity Tool (BAT.py) is a python tool for fully automated absolute binding free energy calculations. Its workflow encompasses the creation of the bound complex, generation of parameters using Antechamber, preparation of the simulation files, and post-processing to retrieve the binding free energy. By using the pmemd.cuda software from AMBER20, it is able to perform several calculations at a reduced computational cost using graphics processing units (GPUs). The 2.0 version of BAT.py can perform binding free energy calculations by two alchemical routes in the presence of restraints, either with double decoupling (DD) procedure or with the simultaneous decoupling recoupling (SDR) method. For the use of the APR method in addition to DD and SDR, download the 1.0 version of the code at the BATv1.0 branch. BAT.py is compatible with the simulation package AMBER20, also requiring a few installed programs to work properly, which are listed in the next section.

    This toolkit is aimed at facilitating setup and analysis of MD simulations, e.g. perturbation free energy calculations.

10. seekr2 https://seekr2.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html 

      SEEKR2: Multiscale Milestoning Calculations of Kinetics and Thermodynamics