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1. -二硫键的预测 based on MAESTROweb


MAESTROweb provides an easy to use web interface to the MAESTRO software for four different tasks:

1 Evaluate the impact of a list of specific mutations.
2 Calculate a mutation sensitivity profile.
3 Perform a search for the most (de)stabilizing n-point mutation(s).
4 Evaluate potential disulfide bonds.

2. FoldX (Linux 程序)http://foldxsuite.crg.eu/

3. DynaMut

    Web server (http://biosig.unimelb.edu.au/dynamut/)

4.PremPS  https://lilab.jysw.suda.edu.cn/research/PremPS/

5. I-mutation http://gpcr.biocomp.unibo.it/~emidio/I-Mutant3.0/I-MutantDDG_Help.html#:~:text=I-Mutant3.0%20is%20optimized%20to%20predict%20the%20protein%20stability,of%20the%20free%20energy%20change%20and%20its%20value.

6. PoPMuSiC v 2.1, https://soft.dezyme.com/;

7. CUPSAT, http://cupsat.tu-bs.de/

8. mCSM, http://biosig.unimelb.edu.au/mcsm/

9. I-Mutant, http://gpcr2.biocomp.unibo.it/cgi/predictors/I-Mutant3.0/I-Mutant3.0.cgi

10. SDM, http://marid.bioc.cam.ac.uk/sdm2

11. Automute, http://binf.gmu.edu/automute/

12. pyRosseta 

from Structure 28, 717–726, June 2, 2020  

Computational Modeling of Protein Stability: Quantitative Analysis Reveals Solutions to Pervasive Problems