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Front Cover: Investigation of the Reaction Pathways of Biomass‐Derived Oxygenate Conversion into Monoalcohols in Supercritical Methanol with CuMgAl‐Mixed‐Metal Oxide (ChemSusChem 23/2018)
ChemSusChem ( IF 8.4 ) Pub Date : 2018-11-30 , DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201802694
Peter H. Galebach 1 , Sean Thompson 1 , Ashley M. Wittrig 2 , J. Scott Buchanan 2 , George W. Huber 1

The Front Cover shows the chemical intermediates and final products for the catalytic conversion of wood into C2–C6 alcohols over a CuMgAl oxide catalyst in methanol. In their Full Paper, P. H. Galebach et al. elucidate the pathway and measure the reaction rate of the key reactions that produce the alcohols. The solubilized wood components are converted into diols in methanol. C−C scission between vicinal diols produces the alcohols which do not further react. Larger diols are produced by C−C methylation coupling reactions between methanol and diols. The rate of the C−C coupling reactions is greater than the rate of C−C scission reactions. Hydrogen for this process is produced from reforming of the methanol. More information can be found in the Full Paper by P. H. Galebach et al. on page 4007 in Issue 23, 2018 (DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201801816).


封面:研究超临界甲醇中与CuMgAl混合金属氧化物转化为生物质的氧气转化为一元醇的反应途径(ChemSusChem 23/2018)

封面显示了用于将木材催化转化为C 2 -C 6的化学中间体和最终产品在甲醇中的CuMgAl氧化物催化剂上制备醇。在他们的论文全文中,P。H. Galebach等人。阐明途径并测量产生醇的关键反应的反应速率。溶解的木材成分在甲醇中转化为二醇。邻位二醇之间的C-C断裂产生的醇不再进一步反应。较大的二醇是通过甲醇和二醇之间的CC甲基化偶联反应制得的。C-C偶联反应的速率大于C-C分裂反应的速率。该过程的氢气由甲醇的重整产生。可以在P. H. Galebach等人的论文全文中找到更多信息。就在第23期,2018页4007(:10.1002 / cssc.201801816 DOI)。