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Enhanced Frequency Response From Industrial Heating Loads for Electric Power Systems
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics ( IF 12.3 ) Pub Date : 2019-06-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tii.2018.2879907
Yue Zhou , Meng Cheng , Jianzhong Wu

Increasing penetration of renewable generation results in lower inertia of electric power systems. To maintain the system frequency, system operators have been designing innovative frequency response products. Enhanced frequency response (EFR) newly introduced in the UK is an example with higher technical requirements and customized specifications for assets with energy storage capability. In this paper, a method was proposed to estimate the EFR capacity of a population of industrial heating loads, bitumen tanks, and a decentralized control scheme was devised to enable them to deliver EFR. Case study was conducted using real UK frequency data and practical tank parameters. Results showed that bitumen tanks delivered high-quality service when providing service-1-type EFR, but underperformed for service-2-type EFR with much narrower deadband. Bitumen tanks performed well in both high- and low-frequency scenarios, and had better performance with significantly larger numbers of tanks or in months with higher power system inertia.



可再生能源发电的普及率提高,导致电力系统的惯性降低。为了保持系统频率,系统运营商一直在设计创新的频率响应产品。英国新近推出的增强型频率响应(EFR)是具有更高技术要求和针对具有储能能力的资产的自定义规格的示例。在本文中,提出了一种估算工业加热负荷,沥青储罐的EFR容量的方法,并设计了分散控制方案以使他们能够实现EFR。使用真实的英国频率数据和实际的油箱参数进行了案例研究。结果表明,沥青罐在提供Service-1型EFR时可提供高质量的服务,但对于Service-2-type EFR而言表现不佳,死区更窄。