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Situating the Half-Earth proposal in distributive justice: Conditions for just conservation
Biological Conservation ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2018-12-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.10.009
Anna Wienhues

Abstract The Half-Earth proposal (or ‘Nature Needs Half’) was put forward as an answer to the current sixth mass extinction crisis on Earth and sparked a debate with disagreement on empirical and normative questions. In this paper I focus on the so far undertheorised normative debate and will provide some conditions that would need to be fulfilled in order for the Half-Earth proposal to serve justice. As I will illustrate, to even begin with situating the Half-Earth proposal within an account of justice rests on an extensive rebuilding of our understanding of justice and many dimensions of justice have to be addressed before it is possible to determine whether the proposal could be regarded as all-things-considered just. I will start by focusing on the question of what would constitute a just global distribution of habitat by introducing the conceptual framework of distributive ecological justice – i.e., the notion that also nonhuman beings can have justice claims to certain ‘goods’ – and put it into conversation with considerations of environmental justice between humans. The upshot is that if a range of empirical and normative conditions are fulfilled, then the proposal can embody a distributively just compromise between ecological and environmental justice.



摘要 半地球提案(或“自然需要一半”)是作为对当前地球上第六次大规模灭绝危机的回答而提出的,并引发了在经验和规范问题上存在分歧的辩论。在本文中,我将重点关注迄今为止理论性不足的规范性辩论,并将提供一些需要满足的条件,以便半地球提案为正义服务。正如我将要说明的那样,即使开始将半地球提案置于正义的解释中,也取决于我们对正义理解的广泛重建,并且必须解决正义的许多方面,然后才能确定该提案是否可行算是万事通才。我将首先通过引入分配生态正义的概念框架(即非人类也可以对某些“商品”拥有正义主张的概念)来关注什么构成栖息地的公正全球分布的问题,并将其放入与人与人之间的环境正义考虑的对话。结果是,如果满足一系列经验和规范条件,则该提案可以体现生态正义和环境正义之间的分配公正妥协。