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Turbulent molten pool analysis of tandem GMA automotive steel sheet welding
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2018.09.046
Kyungbae Park , Hunchul Jeong , Sungjin Baek , Dong-Yoon Kim , Moon-Jin Kang , Jungho Cho

Abstract In this research, a three-dimensional turbulent weld pool simulation technique of tandem gas tungsten arc welding (GMAW) in a lap joint fillet is described and compared to a conventional laminar flow simulation. Basically, four governing equations are adopted for continuity, namely, continuity, Navier-Stokes, energy, and the popular volume of fluid equations. According to the basic theory of an arc weld pool, all known characteristics such as the arc heat input, arc pressure, electromagnetic force, and Marangoni flow are applied to the analysis model as a body force term or boundary conditions. A conventional arc weld pool analysis usually adopts a laminar flow; however, its results have shown a weld bead shape that is quite different from an experiment of a tandem GMA lap joint fillet welding of an automotive steel sheet. Therefore, the authors suggest the use of a k-eturbulent analysis model and show that its results coincide with the experiment results.



摘要 在这项研究中,描述了一种用于搭接角焊缝中钨极氩弧焊(GMAW)的三维湍流熔池模拟技术,并与传统的层流模拟进行了比较。基本上,连续性采用四个控制方程,即连续性、纳维-斯托克斯、能量和流行的流体方程体积。根据电弧焊熔池的基本理论,所有已知的特性,如电弧热输入、电弧压力、电磁力和马兰戈尼流,都作为体力项或边界条件应用于分析模型。传统的电弧焊熔池分析通常采用层流;然而,其结果显示的焊道形状与汽车钢板的串联 GMA 搭接接头角焊实验大不相同。所以,