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Food safety behavior observed in German TV cooking shows
Food Control ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2018.09.017
Jasmin Geppert , Sarah Schulze Struchtrup , Rainer Stamminger , Claudia Haarhoff , Volker Ebert , Severine Koch , Mark Lohmann , Gaby-Fleur Böl

Abstract Since a few years, cooking shows have enjoyed great popularity in Germany. Currently, about 60 different formats are broadcasted on German television. In the field of food preparation and nutrition, they represent a significant passive source of information. This study aims to assess food safety practices in German TV cooking shows and to identify potential differences between professional and amateur chefs. With the help of an observational sheet, three trained evaluators examined 100 episodes of eight popular TV cooking shows. On average, the evaluators observed 1.2 hygiene mistakes per minute or one hygiene lapse every 50 s. The most common mistakes include the use of unwashed cutting boards, adding ingredients with unwashed hands and wiping dirty hands with tea towels. A lack of handwashing before beginning food preparation and after coughing, sneezing, wiping the nose or sweat or touching their hair, eyes, etc. was also frequently observed. No significant differences between professional and amateur chefs were found for the overall frequency of food safety mistakes, but professional chefs more often complied with specific personal hygiene measures. Findings suggest that little attention is paid to safe food handling practices in German TV cooking shows. However, they may be particularly suited to convey safe food handling practices to a broad audience, not least because of their popularity.



摘要 几年来,烹饪节目在德国很受欢迎。目前,大约有 60 种不同的格式在德国电视台播出。在食品制备和营养领域,它们代表了重要的被动信息来源。本研究旨在评估德国电视烹饪节目中的食品安全实践,并确定专业厨师和业余厨师之间的潜在差异。在观察表的帮助下,三位训练有素的评估员检查了 8 个受欢迎的电视烹饪节目的 100 集。平均而言,评估人员每分钟观察到 1.2 次卫生错误或每 50 秒出现一次卫生失误。最常见的错误包括使用未洗过的砧板、用未洗过的手添加配料以及用茶巾擦脏手。在开始准备食物之前以及在咳嗽、打喷嚏、擦鼻子或出汗或触摸头发、眼睛等之后不洗手的现象也经常出现。在食品安全错误的总体频率上,专业厨师和业余厨师之间没有发现显着差异,但专业厨师更经常遵守特定的个人卫生措施。调查结果表明,德国电视烹饪节目很少关注食品安全处理方法。然而,它们可能特别适合向广大受众传达安全的食品处理方法,尤其是因为它们的受欢迎程度。在食品安全错误的总体频率上,专业厨师和业余厨师之间没有发现显着差异,但专业厨师更经常遵守特定的个人卫生措施。调查结果表明,德国电视烹饪节目很少关注食品安全处理方法。然而,它们可能特别适合向广大受众传达安全的食品处理方法,尤其是因为它们的受欢迎程度。在食品安全错误的总体频率上,专业厨师和业余厨师之间没有发现显着差异,但专业厨师更经常遵守特定的个人卫生措施。调查结果表明,德国电视烹饪节目很少关注食品安全处理方法。然而,它们可能特别适合向广大受众传达安全的食品处理方法,尤其是因为它们的受欢迎程度。